
Hapo mwanzo kulikuwako Neno, naye Neno alikuwako kwa Mungu, naye Neno alikuwa Mungu. 2 Huyo mwanzo

Friday, August 22, 2014


What is the Bible?
The Bible is the sacred Book, or collection of books, accepted by the Christian Church as uniquely inspired by God, and thus authoritative, providing guidelines for belief and behavior.1
Many verses throughout the Bible attest to its divine origin (Genesis 6:9-13Exodus 20:1-172 Timothy 3:162 Peter 1:20-21Revelation 1:1-2, etc.) But the Bible was not simply dictated word-for-word by God; it is also the work of its many different human authors. The different writing skills, writing styles, personalities, world views, and cultural backgrounds of the human authors can be seen in their works. Many of the New Testament books were originally written as letters rather than as Scripture. Some Bible writings include the authors' own research and recollection of historical events (Luke 1:1-4) and their own opinions (1 Corinthians 7:12).
The Old Testament
The Old Testament is the first of the two major sections of the Christian Bible. The Old Testament contains the sacred writings of the Jews. It was written over the period of roughly 1000 B.C. to 100 B.C., but it includes narration of events that occurred many centuries earlier and had been passed from generation to generation in oral form. The Old Testament was originally written in the Hebrew language with a few sections written in the Aramaic language.
There was no "official" list of accepted books of Jewish scripture until around 100 A.D. when Jewish rabbis revised their Scripture and established an official canon of Judaism, rejecting some books not found in Hebrew versions of the Scripture. This revision accounts for the fact that Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians use slightly different versions of the Old Testament.
Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was born a Jew and practiced Judaism all His earthly life. Christianity began as a sect of Judaism and only emerged as a separate religion after large numbers of Gentiles had been converted. The Jewish Scripture had predicted the coming of a savior, the Messiah, and Jesus fulfilled that role. So it is natural that Christians would retain the Jewish Scripture as part of their Bible.
The Old Testament tells the story of God's chosen people, the Hebrews, who were later known as Israelites or Jews. Sometime around 1800 B.C., God made a covenant with a man named Abraham to make of his descendants a great nation. The first few of these descendants migrated to Egypt to escape a famine in their own land. After many generations they had greatly increased their numbers but had become enslaved to the Egyptians. God sent a great leader and prophet, Moses, to lead the Hebrews out of captivity and into the Promised Land of Israel. During this time God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which are still considered the basis for a moral life by both Jews and Christians.
In addition to the Ten Commandments, the Old Testament lists many other laws about circumcision, dietary restrictions, blood sacrifices, Sabbath observance, tithing, social welfare, crimes, social behavior, armies, qualifications of leaders, etc. These laws regulated almost every aspect of Hebrew life.
God intended for the Israelites to live according to His commandments and to show the truth of God to all the world (Genesis 12:1-3). However, time and again, the Israelites lost sight of their mission and lapsed into idolatry, sin or narrow-minded nationalism. On these occasions, God called prophets, such as Elijah, Samuel, Jonah, Isaiah and many others, to lead them back to the right path. The Old Testament writings make no attempt to hide the fact that the Israelites and their leaders had many failings and flaws. Yet, through these flawed people, God was able to accomplish His purposes in the world.
The later Hebrew prophets foresaw the coming of a Messiah (meaning "anointed one"), a king who would usher in a golden era of peace and prosperity. More than any other nation, the Israelites looked to the future, to the coming of the Messiah, and to the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham to make of his descendants a great nation.
For more details: The Ten CommandmentsAbraham
The New Testament
The New Testament contains the sacred books that are unique to Christianity. All the New Testament books were written in the Greek language over the period of about 50 to 120 A.D. None of the New Testament books were originally written as part of a Christian Bible, but they were read at church services for instruction in the faith.
The collection of books we know as the New Testament emerged in the late second century, A.D. The church leaders accepted books they believed were based on eyewitness accounts of the events narrated, while rejecting many other early Christian writings. Eventually, the 27 books which form the present New Testament, along with the Old Testament books, became the Christian Bible as we know it today. The New Testament canon was formally adopted by the Synod of Carthage in 397 A.D.
The New Testament tells of Jesus' birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection, the growth of the early Christian Church, and predictions of the second coming of Jesus. Jesus was born sometime between 6 and 4 B.C. in the city of Bethlehem, and He was destined from birth to fulfill the role of Messiah or Christ (the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word "messiah"). He lived an ordinary life for 30 years, and then He began His ministry among the Jews.
Jesus traveled from town to town, healing the sick and preaching about the coming kingdom of God. He taught that God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that is now growing among the faithful, and it will find its fulfillment in the eventual sovereign rule of God and defeat of all evil. Jesus said He will come again someday to bring God's kingdom to fulfillment. He promised a wonderful eternal life after death for those who put their trust in God and obey His commandments.
Many of the Jews had expected the Messiah to be a great political and military leader who would defeat Israel's enemies, but Jesus saw His kingdom as spiritual rather than worldly. He taught the way to victory is not through force and violence, but through love, humility, and service to mankind. Jesus was not the type of "Messiah" the Jews had expected, and many of them rejected Jesus and His teachings.
The religious establishment of Israel saw Jesus as a threat. His claims of divine authority and His refusal to follow some of their religious rules were usurping their authority over the people. This conflict ultimately led to Jesus' execution by crucifixion only three years after He had begun His ministry.
Three days after His death, Jesus' body was discovered missing from the tomb, and over the next 40 days Many people saw Him alive again, and He talked with His disciples. At the end of 40 days, He ascended to heaven, returning to God, His Father.
Jesus' miraculous resurrection convinced many people that He truly was the Christ and their personal savior as well. Christianity was born, and Jesus' former disciples became its leaders. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah, and as the means of our personal salvation from the power of sin and death.
Jesus taught that love of God and love of other people are the two "Greatest Commandments" that should totally guide our lives. He taught obedience to God and love for all people, both Jews and Gentiles, and even for enemies! Jesus did not abolish the moral and ethical laws that had been in effect from the time of Moses. He affirmed and expanded upon those principles, but He said obedience must be from the heart (attitudes and intentions) rather than just technical observance of the letter of the law. Jesus and His apostles gave us a radically new understanding of the true intent of the Old Testament Law; they brought a new era of the rule of love for all people and spiritual truth instead of rule by law.
The young Christian communities suffered much persecution from the Jewish religious establishment and from the Roman Empire. Saul, a member of the Jewish religious establishment, was one of the fiercest persecutors of Christians. One day, while on the road to Damascus, Saul saw a blinding light and Jesus spoke to him saying, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" As a result of this overwhelming experience, Saul had a complete change of heart. Now known as Paul, he became a zealous Christian missionary and extended Christianity outside Judaism, founding many Christian communities in the Gentile world.
Paul wrote many letters to the people of the churches he had founded. He explained his beliefs about Jesus, instructed them in proper modes of worship, and sometimes chastised them for moral lapses. He taught that the way to salvation and eternal life is through faith in Jesus Christ and high moral standards, not through obedience to the Old Testament Law. Many of Paul's letters have become part of the New Testament. Through these letters we know Paul as the most energetic and influential interpreter of Jesus' life and teachings.
The Jews of that time believed that holiness could be achieved by obeying about 600 rules derived from the Old Testament Law. But the Gentile Christians did not share that tradition and disputes arose about whether or not it was necessary to follow those rules.  Christian leaders, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, decided that the ceremonial and legal aspects of the Old Testament Law - circumcision, dietary restrictions, blood sacrifices, Sabbath observance and many other rules - are not binding on Christians (Acts 15:1-522-29).
Unity of the Bible
Despite the diversity of the Bible books and their separation in time, there are several unifying themes that run through both the Old and New Testaments:
  • There is only one true God. He created all that is the universe and takes an active, ongoing and loving role in its maintenance.
  • God loves His people of all races, nationalities and religions, and seeks their love in return.
  • God created men and women with the power to choose between good and evil. We are called to do good by serving God and respecting our fellow human beings of the world. Evil is a constant temptation that we must do our best to resist.
  • God seeks the salvation of all people, individually and collectively, from the power of sin and evil. God has intervened directly in human affairs and has also sent the prophets and, finally, His Son Jesus, the Messiah or Christ, to help us with that salvation.
Bible Interpretation
The Bible never tells the details of exactly how God inspired the human authors of the Bible, and this has led to much debate and differences of opinion about interpretation.
Traditional Interpretation
Throughout most of the Christian era, Bible reading and Bible interpretation were confined to religious professionals. Until the fifteenth century, the Bible was available only in Latin. Even when the Bible was translated into other languages, the scarcity and high cost of Bibles kept them out of the hands of ordinary people. During this era, the Bible was interpreted according to church beliefs and traditions. There was little or no attempt made to determine the original meanings of the Scripture. Difficult passages "were interpreted as having a figurative meaning, so that they convey, through a kind of code, deeper truths about God, the spiritual life, or the church.
Scientific discoveries, beginning in the seventeenth century, seemed to contradict some parts of the Bible. Galileo's study of the universe, Darwin's theories about evolution of species and fossil evidence of the age of the earth were particularly troubling. At the same time, the Bible was often being studied and critiqued as ordinary literature rather than as the Word of God. Some Christians felt their faith was threatened by these apparent challenges to the authority of the Bible. In reaction, the fundamentalist movement asserted the inerrancy of Scripture: Everything in the Bible must be absolutely, literally, scientifically and historically true. Anything less would be unworthy of God. Any apparent conflict between the Bible and another source (science, history, etc.) should be resolved in favor of the Bible because of its divine origin.
Modern Interpretation
The mainstream of Bible interpretation today is based on hermeneutics [her meh NEWT icks], the science and art of Bible interpretation. Hermeneutics attempts to determine what message the author intended to convey and how it would have been understood in its original historical and cultural setting. This involves a lot of specialized knowledge of the original Bible languages, literary styles and figures of speech, as well as the history, culture, and current events and issues of the time and place where it was written. Rather than forcing Bible interpretation to fit into a particular theological framework, such as church doctrine or strict literalism, hermeneutics attempts to draw out the true meaning as it was originally intended. Once we know what a Bible passage originally meant, we can prayerfully apply that knowledge to our lives in the modern world.
Bible Translations
During the first centuries A.D., Latin replaced Greek as the language of the Roman Empire. In 405 a Latin translation of the Old and New Testaments was completed. This version, known as the Vulgate, became the standard Bible of Christianity for many centuries. The first English version of the full Bible was John Wycliffe's translation of the Vulgate in 1384. Several other English versions followed, and the beloved King James Version was published in 1611.
None of the original manuscripts of the Old Testament or New Testament are known to exist; the best available sources are hand-made copies of copies. However, developments in archaeology and Biblical scholarship have made possible a number of modern, more accurate English translations of the scriptures. These newer versions are translated from the best available ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, rather than from the King James Version or the Latin Vulgate.
Books of the Old Testament
The Pentateuch
The first five Old Testament books are known as the books of the Law, or the Pentateuch or the Torah.

The first 11 chapters of Genesis tell about God. Unlike the pagans of the ancient world, the Hebrew people (later known as Israelites or Jews) believed in only one true God. Through the stories of Creation, The Great Flood and The Tower of Babel we see that God created everything, and He loves and actively sustains all His creation.

The remainder of Genesis tells the history of the patriarchs. The Jews trace their ancestry to a man named Abraham through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob. The Muslim Arabs also trace their ancestry to Abraham, through his son Ishmael.

Exodus and Numbers tell the story of Moses, who led the Hebrews out of captivity in Egypt around 1300 B.C. They wandered for forty years in the desert before arriving at their Promised Land. During the time in the desert, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses.

Leviticus and Deuteronomy discuss the relationship between God and His chosen people, the Hebrews. They also give details of the Law that regulated almost every aspect of Hebrew life.

Moses is traditionally considered to be the author of the Pentateuch, but as with many other books of the Bible, the author and date written are not known for certain.

For more details: 
CreationAdam and EveNoah's ArkThe Tower of BabelAbrahamThe Ten Commandments
The Historical Books
  1st Samuel
  2nd Samuel
  1st Kings
  2nd Kings
  1st Chronicles
  2nd Chronicles
  1st Maccabees*
  2nd Maccabees*
The remainder of the Old Testament books are divided by the Jews into categories of prophets and writings. However, Christians organize it differently into sections of historical bookswisdom books, and books of prophecy.

The historical books tell the history of Israel from the time of Moses until several hundred years before the time of Jesus. After 40 years in the desert, the Hebrews conquered their Promised Land of Canaan. For a time, the tribes of Israel were ruled by a series of judges. Then, in the eleventh century B.C., came the monarchy with Kings Saul, David, Solomon and several other kings. Israel suffered a number of military defeats. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C. and many captives were taken away to Babylon. Eventually, the people were allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem and their civilization.
The Wisdom Books
  Song of Solomon
  Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)*
Psalms, Proverbs, Wisdom and Sirach contain many sayings of practical wisdom to help live a happy, successful and holy life. Job and Ecclesiastes deal with the weightier issues of the meaning of life, the existence of evil and our relationship to God. Song of Solomon is a love song glorifying romantic love between a man and woman, although it is sometimes interpreted allegorically as a story about the love of God for Israel or the Church.

For more details: 
Wisdom of the Bible
The Books of Prophecy
Prophecy means speaking the mind of God. Some prophecies predict the future. Others are special messages of instruction or warning from God. The prophets were called by God to give these predictions, messages and warnings to kings, other leaders and the people.

Except for Lamentations and Baruch, Each of these books is named for one of the well-known Hebrew prophets, but there were many minor prophets also.
*Included in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bibles but not in most Protestant editions.
Books of the New Testament
The Gospels
The four Gospels tell of the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark was written around 70 A.D., about 40 years after Jesus was crucified. Matthew and Luke were written between 80 and 90 A.D. Finally, the Gospel of John appeared in its final form around 95 A.D.

Matthew, Mark and Luke are very similar. It is commonly believed that Matthew and Luke incorporated much of the material in Mark and another common source that is now lost. Each author then added some unique material.

The Gospel of John is quite different. It is much more of a spiritual and theological work, although it relates many of the same events as the other three Gospels.
Acts of the Apostles
Acts of the Apostles is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke, written by the same author. It tells the history of the first 30 years of the Christian Church. The story is mostly centered on the apostles Peter and Paul who were the preeminent leaders of early Christianity.
The Letters of Paul
  1st Corinthians
  2nd Corinthians
  1st Thessalonians
  2nd Thessalonians
  1st Timothy
  2nd Timothy
Many of the New Testament letters (also known as epistles) are traditionally attributed to the apostle Paul. 1st Thessalonians, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians, and Philemon are undisputed genuine letters of Paul. There is less certainty about the authorship of 2nd Thessalonians, Colossians, Hebrews, Ephesians, 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus. Paul probably wrote 1st Thessalonians and Galatians around 50 A.D., and they are the oldest books in the New Testament.

Paul wrote his letters to various Christian communities to instruct and encourage them in the faith and to address specific problems and disputes that had arisen in those communities. Many of the beliefs and practices of Christianity originated from Paul's teachings in these letters.
Other letters

The catholic letters
   1st Peter
   2nd Peter
   1st John
   2nd John
   3rd John

These letters were also written to encourage, instruct and correct the early Christians. The catholic (meaning universal) letters were circulated among the various Christian communities and read at their meetings. Throughout the letters we see the need to put our faith and trust in Christ and to put that faith into action through Christian love (kindness and respect) for all people.

Revelation is also a letter, but it is in the form of apocalyptic literature, which tells a story through symbols, images and numbers. Revelation offers comfort and encouragement to Christians of all ages that God is firmly in control. When the time is right, the forces of evil that seem to dominate our world will be utterly destroyed, and God's eternal kingdom will come into its fulfillment.

For more details: 
What is the Book of Revelation About?

Thursday, August 21, 2014


1Wakorintho 13:1-6
Nijaposema kwa lugha za wanadamu na za malaika, kama sina upendo, nimekuwa shaba iliayo na upatu uvumao.
2 Tena nijapokuwa na unabii, na kujua siri zote na maarifa yote, nijapokuwa na imani timilifu kiasi cha kuweza kuhamisha milima, kama sina upendo, si kitu mimi.
3 Tena nikitoa mali zangu zote kuwalisha maskini, tena nikijitoa mwili wangu niungue moto, kama sina upendo, hainifaidii kitu.
4 Upendo huvumilia, hufadhili; upendo hauhusudu; upendo hautakabari; haujivuni;
5 haukosi kuwa na adabu; hautafuti mambo yake; hauoni uchungu; hauhesabu mabaya;
6 haufurahii udhalimu, bali hufurahi pamoja na kweli;

Monday, August 18, 2014


Warumi 8:12-14
12 Basi, kama ni hivyo, ndugu, tu wadeni, si wa mwili tuishi kwa kufuata mambo ya mwili,
13 kwa maana kama tukiishi kwa kufuata mambo ya mwili, mwataka kufa; bali kama mkiyafisha matendo ya mwili kwa Roho, mtaishi.
14 Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu, hao ndio wana wa Mungu.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Mpendwa, nataka ujue kwamba, Mungu amefanya mambo mengi makubwa katika maisha yako, tangu saa/siku ile ulipompokea Yesu, kuwa Bwana na Mwokozi na Mwokozi wako. Ni muhimu uelewe kwamba, wewe si yule wa zamani tena. Sahau yaliyopita, kwasababu umefanyika kiumbe kipya. (2 kor 5:17)
Yafuatayo ni baadhi ya mambo yaliyotokea kwako tangu ulipofanya uamuzi huu mzuri na wa busara, wa kumpokea Yesu Kristo, kuwa Bwana wako na Mwokozi wa maisha yako.
Umefanyika mwana wa Mungu, kwasababu umempokea Yesu Kristo na kuliamini Jina lake; Kwasababu Biblia inaema “Bali wote waliompokea, aliwapa uwezo wa kufanyika watoto wa Mungu, ndio wale waliaminio jina lake (Yoh 1:12) … Roho (Mtakatifu) mwenyewe, hushuhudia pamoja na roho zetu, ya kuwa sisi tu watoto wa Mungu…” (Rum 8:16)
Tangu sasa, wewe ni mmoja wa wana-familia ya Mungu. Nasi tunakukaribisaha kwa upendo wa Kristo. Karibu sana, Baba (Mungu) na sisi tumefurahi kukuona umerudi nyumbani. This is where you belong. We missed you so much. Karibu!
Biblia inasema, dhambi zako zote zimeoshwa na kusafishwa kwa damu ya Yesu naumesamehewa zote kabisa, kwasababu umekuja kwa Yesu na umekiri dhambi zako; Kwa maana imeandikwa “katika yeye huyo (Yesu), kwa damu yake, tunao ukombozi wetu, msamaha wa dhambi, sawasawa na wingi wa neema yake (Efe 1:17)… Dhambi zenu zijapokuwa nyekundu kama bendera, zitakuwa nyeupe kama sufu (Isa 1:18)… maana nitausamehe uovu wao, wala dhambi yao sitaikumbuka tena.” (Yer 31:34b) pia soma: Kor 1:14, Ufu 1:5.
“Hata imekuwa mtu akiwa ndani ya Kristo; amekuwa kiumbe kipya; (mambo ya kale yamepita Tazama! Yamekuwa mapya (2Kor 5:17)… Najua neno moja kuwa, mimi nilikuwa kipofu, na sasa ninaona” (Yoh 9:25)
Kwahiyo sahau maisha yaliyopita, sasa anza maisha mapya ndani ya Yesu.
“Mkinipenda, mtazishika amri zangu. Nami nitamwomba Baba (Mungu), naye atawapa msaidizi mwingine, ili akae nanyi hata milele; Ndiye Roho wa kweli, ambaye ulimwengu hauwezi kumpokea, kwakuwa haumwoni wala haumtambui, Bali ninyi mnamtambua, maana anakaa kwenu, naye atakuwa ndani yenu”.
(Yoh 14:15-17) “… Hamjui yakuwa ninyi mmekuwa hekalu la Mungu? Na yakuwa Roho wa Mungu anakaa ndani yenu? Kama mtu alikiharibu hekalu la Mungu, Mungu atamharibu mtu huyo. Kwa maana hekalu la Mungu ni takatifu, ambalo ndilo ninyi.” (1Kor 3:16-17)
“Naye (Mungu Baba) alituokoa katika nguvu za giza, akatuhamisha na kutuingiza katika ufalme wa mwana wa Pendo lake (Yesu Kristo)” (Kol 1:13)
“Nanyi mfahamu kwamba, mlikombolewa si kwa vitu viharibikavyo, kwa fedha au dhahabu, mpate kutoka katika mwenendo wenu usiofaa …” (1Pet 1:18)
“Amini amini nawaambia, yeye aliskikiaye neno langu, na kumwamini yeye aliyenipeleka, yuna (ana) uzima wa milele, wala haingii hukumuni, bali amepita kutoka mautini kuingia uzimani (Yoh 5:24) “Sisi tunajua yakuwa tumepita kutoka mautini kuingia uzimani…” (1Yoh 3:14). Sasa basi, hakuna hukumu ya adhabu, juu yao walio katika kristo Yesu; kwasababu sheria ya Roho wa uzima, ule ulio katika kristo Yesu, imeniacha huru, mbali na sheria ya dhambi na mauti. (Rum 8:1-2)
“Kwa maana, ikiwa Mungu hakuwaachilia malaika waliokosa, bali aliwatupa shimoni, akawatia katika vifungo vya giza, walindwe hata ije hukumu. Wala hakuachilia ulimwengu wa kale, bali alimhifadhi (alimwokoa) Nuhu mjumbe wa haki, na watu wengine saba, hapo alipoleta gharika, juu ya ulimwengu wa wasiomcha Mungu. Tena akaihukumu miji ya Sodoma na gomora, akiipindua na kuifanya majivu. Akaifanya iwe ishara kwa wtu watakaokuwa hawamchi Mungu baada ya hayo” (2 Pet 2:4-6)
“Dunia ile ya wakati ule, iligharikishwa kwa maji ikaangamia, lakini mbingu zasasa na nchi, zimewekwa akiba kwa moto, kwa neno lilohilo, zikilindwa hata siku ya hukumu, na (siku) ya kuangamia kwao, wanadamu wasiomcha Mungu … Bwana hakawii kuitimiza ahadi yake, kama wengine wanavyodhani kukawia, bali huvumilia kwenu, maana hapendi mtu yeyote apotee, bali wote wafikie toba …waokolewe na kupata kujua yaliyo kweli.
((2Pet 3:6-7; 1Tim 2:4)
“Lakini siku ya Bwana itakuja kama mwizi katika siku hiyo, mbingu zitatoweka kwa mshindo mkuu na vioumbe vya asili vitaunguzwa na kufumuliwa na nchi na kazi zilizomo ndani yake zitateketea…. mbingu zitfunuliwa, zikiangua na viumbe vya asili vitateketea na kuyeyuka. Lakini kama ilivyo ahadi yake, tunatazamia mbingu mpya na nchi mpya, ambayo haki yakaa ndani yake. (2Pet 3: 9 -13)
Basi zaidi sana tukiisha kuhesabiwa haki, katika damu yake (Yesu),tutaokolewa na ghadhabu kwa yeye. (Rum 5:9)
(Kwahiyo)ukimkiri Yesu kwa kinywa chako na kuwa ni Bwana, na kuamini moyoni mwako yakuwa Mungu alimfufua katika wafu, utaokoka kwa maana, kwa moyo mtu huamini hata kupata haki, Na kwa kinywa mtu hukiri, hata kupata wokovu, (Rom 10:9 -10)
Kwa maana mmeokolewa (sio, mtaokolewa) bali; MMEOKOLEWA kwa neema, kwa njia ya imani, ambayo hiyo haikutokana na nafsi zenu, ni kipawa cha Mungu, wala si kwa matendo, mtu awaye yote asije akajisfu. (Efe 2:8)
Maana neema ya Mungu, iwaokoayo wanadamu wote imefunuliwa (Tito 2:11) na itakuwa, kila atakayeliitia jina la Bwana, ataokolewa (Mdo 2:21) …. (Petro)Akawashuhudia kwa maneno mengine mengi sana na kuwaonya; akisema, jiokoeni na kizazi hiki chenye ukaidi (Mdo 2:40)
Walipoyasikia haya, wakachomwa mioyo yao, wakmwambia Petro na mitume wengine; Tutendeje ndugu zetu? Petro akawaambia, Tubunimkabatizwe, kila mmoja kwa jina lake Yesu Kristo, mpate ondoleo la dhambi zenu nanyi mtapokea kipawa cha Roho mtakatifu (Mdo 2:37-38). Nao waliopokea neno lake, wakabatizwa. Na siku ile wakaongezeka watu (waume) wapata elfu tatu (41)………Bwana akalizidisha kanisa kila siku, kwa wale waliokuwa wakiokolewa (Mdo 2:47)
“Lakini msifurahi kwa vile peopo wanavyowatii, bali furahini kwa sababu majina yenu yameandikwa mbinguni (Luk 10:20)…“Na ndani ya mji mtakatifu) hakitaingia kamwe chochote kilicho kinyonge, wala yeye afanyaye machukizo na uongo, bali wale walioandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima cha mwanakondoo” (Ufu 21:27) …“Na iwapo mtu yeyote, hakuonekan ameandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima, alitupwa katika lile ziwa la moto” (Ufu 20:15)…“Naam, nataka na wewe pia, mjoli wa kweli, uwasaidie wanawake hao, maana waliishindania injili, pamoja nami, na wale waliotenda kazi pamoja nami, ambao majina yao yamo katika kitabu cha uzima (Fil 4:3)
Hata wakati ule tulipokuwa wafu kwasababu ya makosa yetu, alituhuisha pamoja na Kristo; yaani, tumeokolewa kwa neema. Akatufufua pamoja naye, akatuketisha pamoja naye katika ulimwengu wa roho, katika kristo Yesu. (Efe 2:5-6)….. juu sana kuliko ufalme wote, na mamlaka, na nguvu, na usultani, na kila jina (au cheo) litajwalo (Efe1:21) (akasema)
”Tazama nimewapa amri ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge, na nguvu zote za yule adui (shetani), wala hakuna kitu kitakachowadhuru (Luk 10:19)… “Nami nitakupa funguo za ufalme wa mbinguni, na lolote utakololifunga duniani, litakuwa limefungwa mbinguni, na lolote utakalolifungua duniani, litakuwa limefunguliwa mbinguni (Math 16:19)… Angalia, nimekuweka leo juu ya mataifa na juu ya falme, ili kung’oa, na kubomoa, na kuharibu, na kuangamiza, ili kujenga na kupanda (Jer 1:10).
Kila mahali utakapopakanyaga nyayo za miguu yenu, mimewapa ninyi …. hapatakuwa mtu yeyote atakeyeweza kusimama mbele yako, siku zote za maisha yako; kama ulivyokuwa pamoja na Musa, ndivyo nitakanyokuwa pamoja na wewe; sitakupungukia wala sitakuacha (Josh 1:3,5) … Muwe na kiasi na kukesha; kwakuwa mshitaki wenu ibilisi, kama simba aungurumaye, huzunguka zunguka, akitafuta mtu ammeze. Nanyi mpingeni huyo mkiwa thabiti katika imani … (Basi mtiini Mungu. Mpingeni shetani, naye atawakimbia (Yak 4:7) … “Na ishara hizi, zitafuatana na hao waaminio, kwa jina langu watatoa pepo, watasema kwa lugha mpya; watashika nyoka; hata wakinywa kitu cha kufisha (kuua), hakitawadhuru kabisa; wataweka mikono yao juu ya wagonjwa, nao watapata afya (Mk 16:17-18)
Pia soma: Dan 7:13,14,27; Yer 51:20
Malaika wa Bwana hufanya kituo, akiwaangalia wamchao (Mungu) na kuwaokoa
(Zab 34:7) …“Kwakuwa (Mungu) atakuagizia malaika zake, wakulinde katika njia zako zote (Zab 91:11) … Je? hao (Malaika) wote si roho watumikao, wakitumwa kuwuhudumia wale watakaourithi wokovu? (Ebr 1:7,14) Nani (Yohana) nikaanguka mbele ya miguu yake (Malaika) ili nimsujudie; akaniambia, angalia, usifanye hivi, mimi (Malaika) ni nyoli (Mtumishi) wako na w ndugu zako walio na ushuhuda wa Yesu. Msujudie Mungu…(Ufu 19:10) … Awagusaye ninyi, aigusa mboni ya jicho lake (Mungu). Kwa maana, tazama, nitatikisa mkono wangu juu yao … (Zek 2:8-10). Nanyi mnalindwa na nguvu za Mungu, kwa njia ya imani… (1Pet 1:5)
Watu wengi waliookoka hawajioni au hawajihesabu kuwa ni watumishi wa Mungu. Bali huwaona Wachungaji na Wainjilisti kuwa ndio watumishi wa Mungu. Pengine na wewe unajiona hivyo. Lakini neno la Mungu linasema; SisiKanisa (Yaani: Jamii ya waaminio au watu waliookoka), sote kwa pamoja, ni mwili wa Yesu Kristo 
Mungu alipomfufua Yesu Kristo kutoka katika wafu, alimtukuza, akamweka mkono wake wa kuume katika ulimwengu wa roho; Juu sana kuliko falme zote na mamlaka zote, “Akavitia vitu vyote chini ya miguu yake. Akamweka awe kichwa juu ya vitu vyote, kwa ajili ya kanisa, ambalo ndilo mwili wake”(Efe 1:20-23) “Naye (Yesu) ndiye kichwa cha mwili, yaani cha kanisa….”(Kol 1:18) … Basi ninyi nimekuwa mwili wa Kristo, na viungo kila kimoja peke yake… kwa maana katika Roho mmoja, sisi sote tulibatizwa kuwa mwili mmoja, kwamba tu wayahudi, au kwamba tu wayunani; ikiwa tu watumwa, au ikiwa tu huru;
Nasi sote tulinyweshwa Roho mmoja, kwa maana mwili si kiungo kimoja, bali ni vingi… Maana kama vile mwili ni mmoja, nao una viungo vingi, na vioungo vyote vya mwili ule navyo ni vingi, na viungo vyote vya mwili ule navyo ni vingi, ni mwili mmoja, vivyo hivyo na Kristo. (Kor 12,27,13-14,12) … “Basi pana tofauti za karama; Bali Roho ni (mmoja). Tena pana tofauti za huduma, (lakini) Bwana ni mmoja. Kisha pana tofauti za kutenda kazi, bali Mungu ni (mmoja) azitendaye kazi zote katika wote. Lakini Kila mmoja hupewa ufunuo wa Roho kwa kusaidiana. (1kor 12:4-7)
Angalia hili neno “kila mmoja”
“…Mungu amevitia viungo kila Kimoja katika mwili, kama alivyotaka. Lakini kama vyote vingekuwa kiungo kimoja, mwili ungekuwa wapi? Lakini sasa viungo ni vingi, ila mwili ni mmoja. kila mmoja katika mwili, kama alivyotaka.Lakini kama vyote vingekuwa kiungo kimoja, mwili ungekuwa wapi? Lakini sasa viungo ni vingi, ila mwili ni mmoja. “(1Kor 12:18-20)
Angalia hilo neno tena “kila kimoja” limejirudia.
“ Maana mtu mmoja kwa Roho apewa neno la hekima; na mwingine neno la maarifa (kama) apendavyo Roho yeye yule; mwingine (hupewa) imani katika Roho (huyo huyo); na mwingine hupewa kaama za kuponya katika Roho yule mmoja; na mwingine (hupewa) unabii; na mwingine (hupewa) kupambanua roho; na mwingine (hupewa) aina za lugha; na mwingine (hupewa) tafsiri za lugha; Lakini kazi hizi zote, huzitenda Roho huyo mmoja, yeye yule, akimgawiakila mtu peke yake, kama apendavyo yeye. (!Kor 12:8-11)
Angalia hilo neno “kila mmoja” limejirudia tena
Kwa hiyo, kama vile katika mwili, kila kiungo kina kazi yake (ya kujenga mwili); Vivyo hivyo, katika mwili wa Kristo, yaani Kanisa, kila muumini, ana kazi yake ana huduma yake, na karama yake na wajibu wake, katika kujenga mwili wa Kristo. Wewe na mimi, tu watumishi wa Mungu.Jione hivyo na ujihesabu hivyo. Mungu anataka utumie karama na uwezo aliokupa, ili kuuvunja ufalme wa shetani, na kujenga ufalme wa Kristo duniani. Neno la Bwana likamjia, kusema, kabla sijakuumba katika tumbo, nalikujua, na kabla hujatoka tumboni, nalikutakasa; Nimekuweka kuwa nabii wa Mataifa. Ndipo niliposema, Aah! Bwana Mungu! Tazama, siwezi kusema; maana mimi ni mtoto lakini Bwana akaniambia, usiseme mimi ni mtoto; … usiogope kwasababu ya hao, maana mimi nipo pamoja nawe nikuokoe, asema. Bwana.
Ndipo Bwana, akanyoosha mkono wake, akanigusa kinywa changu; Bwana akaniambia; Tazamani, nimetia maneno yangu kinywani mwako; Angalia, nimekuweka leo juu ya mataifa na juu ya falme, ili kung’oa, na kubomoa, na kuharibu, na kuangamiza; Ili kujenga na kupanda (Yer 1:4 -10) “… enendeni, mkawafanye mataifa yote kuwa wanafunzi (wangu) mkiwabatiza kwa jina la Baba, na la Mwana, na la Roho Mtakatifu; Nakuwafundisha kuyashika yote niliyowaamuru ninyi; na tazama, mimi nipo pamoja nanyi siku zote, hata ukamilifu wa dahari. (Math 28:18-20).
Tangu umeingia katika familia ya wana wa Mungu umepewa urithi wa baraka za Mungu. Umeingizwa katika mkondo wa baraka na ahadi kubwa na nyingi mno katika kriso Yesu.
“Na kwa kuwa ninyi mmekuwa wana (wa Mungu), Mungu alimtuma Roho wa mwanawe mioyoni mwetu, aliaye Aba, yaani Baba. Kama ni hivyo, wewe si mtumwa tena, bali u mwana (wa Mungu); Na kama u mwana, basi u mrithikwa Mungu” (Gal 4:6-7)
“Kristo alitukomboa katika laana ya torati, kwa kuwa alifanywa laana kwa ajili yetu…, ili kwamba, Baraka ya Ibrahimu, iwafikie mataifa ktika Yesu Kristo, tupate kupokea ahadi ya roho kwa njia imani … Na kama ninyi ni wa kristo, basi mmekuwa uzao wa Ibrahimu, na warithi sawa sawa na ahadi” (Gal 3:13-14,29).
“Atukuzwe Mungu, Baba wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, aliyetubariki kwa Baraka zote za rohoni, katika ulimwengu waro ho, ndani yake Kristo. (Efe 1:3)… Tena kwa hayo, ametukirimia ahadi kubwa mno za thamani, ili kwamba, kwa hizo (ahadi na baraka) mpate kuwa washirika wa tabia ya Uungu, mkiokolewa na uharibifu uliomo duniani, kwa sababu ya tamaa.”(2Pet 1:4) Kwa mfano:-
Ahadi ya Baraka – Kumb 28:1 – 14; Law 26:1-13
Ahadi ya mafanikio – Zab 1:1 -3; Josh 1:8-9
Ahadi ya utajiri – Kumb 15:14; 2Kor 8:9 / 2Kor 9:8,11
Ahadi ya Afya njema – Kut 15:26: Kumb 7:15
Ahadi ya Ulinzi – Zab 91:11; Zab 121:1-8
Ahadi ya Akili nzuri – Zab 119:97-100; Zab 111:10
Ahadi ya Wokovu kwa familia - Mdo 16:31; Isa 54:13 – 14

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Je ni ishara gani kuwa siku za mwisho zimekaribia?
2Timotheo 3:1-6
1 Lakini ufahamu neno hili, ya kuwa siku za mwisho kutakuwako nyakati za hatari.
2 Maana watu watakuwa wenye kujipenda wenyewe, wenye kupenda fedha, wenye kujisifu, wenye kiburi, wenye kutukana, wasiotii wazazi wao, wasio na shukrani, wasio safi,
3 wasiowapenda wa kwao, wasiotaka kufanya suluhu, wasingiziaji, wasiojizuia, wakali, wasiopenda mema,
4 wasaliti, wakaidi, wenye kujivuna, wapendao anasa kuliko kumpenda Mungu;
5 wenye mfano wa utauwa, lakini wakikana nguvu zake; hao nao ujiepushe nao.
6 Kwa maana katika hao wamo wale wajiingizao katika nyumba za watu, na kuchukua mateka wanawake wajinga wenye m

Wednesday, August 6, 2014



Pesa sio kila kitu. Imeandikwa, Mithali 13:7-8 "Kuna mtu mwenyekujitajirisha, lakini hana kitu kuna ajifanyaye kuwa maskini lakini anamali nyingi dia ya nafsi ya mtu ni utajiri wake, bali mtu maskini hasikii ogofyo lo lote."
Usistaajabi watu wakiwapa matajiri heshima, kwani Mungu atampaheshima maskini. Imeandikwa, Yakobo 2:5 "Ndugu zangu wapenzi sikilizeni, je! Mungu huwachagua maskini wa duni a wawe matajiri wa imani na warithi wa ufalme aliowaahidia wampendao?".
Tuweni na moyo wakuwasaidia maskini. Imeandikwa, Wagalatia 2:10 "Ila neno moja tuu walitutakia tuwakumbuke maskini nami neno lilo hilo nalikuwa na bidii kufanya."
Kutowasaidia wenye mahitaji ni dhambi. Imeandikwa, Amosi 5:12 "Maana mimi najua maasi yenu yalivyo mengi na jinsi dhambi zenu zilivyo kubwa ninyi mnaowaonea wenye haki mnaopokea rushwa na kuwageuza wahitaji langoni wasipate haki yao."
Kusaidia maskini huleta mibaraka kwa Mungu. Imeandikwa, Zaburi 41:1 "Heri akumbukaye mnyonge Bwana atamwokoa siku ya taabu."
Twamuhesshimu Mungu kwa kuwasaidia maskini. Imeandikwa, Mithali 14:31 "Amwonaye maskini humsuta uumba wake. Bali yeye awahurmiaye wahitaji humheshimu."
Kanisa lapaswa kuwasaidia watu wenye shida na wasio na jamii. Imeandikwa, 1Timotheo 5:5-6 "Basi yeye aliye jane kweli kweli, ameachwa peke yake huyo amemwekea Mungu tumaini lake, naye hudumu katika maombi na sala mchana na usiku. Basi, yeye asiye jizuia nafsi yake amekufa ingawa yu hai."
Mungu amewaahudi watu wanao wasaidia maskini na wasio jiweza. Imeandikwa, Isaya 58:7-11 "Je! siyo kuwagawia wenye njaa chakula chako na kuwaleta maskini waliotupwa nyumbani mwako? uwonapo mtu aliye uchi, umvike nguo wal usijifishe na mtu mwenye damu moja nawe? ndipo nuru yako itakapopambazuka kama asubuhi na afya yako itatokwea mara na haki yako itakutangulia utukufu wa Bwana utakufuata nyuma ukulinde ndipo utaita na Bwana ataitika, utalia naye atasema, mimi hapa. kama ukiiondoa nira; isiwepo kati yako wala kunyosha kidole wala kunena maovu na kama ukimkunjia mtu mwenye njaa nafsi yako na kuishibisha nafsi iliyoteswa ndipo nuru yako itakapopambazuka gizani na kiwi chako kitakuwa kama adhuhuri naye Bwana atakuongoza daima ataishibisha nafsi yako mahala pasipokuwa na maji na kuitia nguvu mifupa yako nawe utakuwa kama bustani iliyotiwa maji na kama chemchemi ambayo maji yake hayapungui."
Tuwe kwa niaba ya maskini. Imeandikwa, Amosi 5:24, "Lakini hukumu na iteleke kama maji, na haki kama maji makuu."