
Hapo mwanzo kulikuwako Neno, naye Neno alikuwako kwa Mungu, naye Neno alikuwa Mungu. 2 Huyo mwanzo

Sunday, June 28, 2015



Statement of Faith

We believe the LORD God, as revealed in the Bible, is the one and only living and true God. (Gen 1 and 2; Deut 6:4; Isaiah 43:10-12; Psalm 135:5; Ex 3:14; Eph 4:6).
God reveals Himself to us in the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each equal in His nature, essence, and being, yet each possessing distinct personal characteristics suitable to His person and work (Matt 28:19; John 14: 9-10, 26, 16: 12-15, 17:11; 2 Cor 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2).
He is Creator and sustainer of all things, visible and invisible, physical and spiritual. (Gen 1; Heb 11:3; Psalm 104; Col 1:16-17; Rom 1: 20).
God has a purpose and plan for all things in heaven and on earth which will be accomplished according to His eternal decrees for His glory. (Isaiah 46:10-13; Eph 1:3-5,11, 2:10; Matt 24:35).
We believe the Holy Bible to be the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. It is completely sufficient concerning all matters of belief and living (Prov 30:5; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Deut 8:18; Heb 4:12; 2 Tim 3:16-17).
Nothing is to be added to or taken away from the Scriptures in any way, such as new revelation or traditions of men. (Deut 12:32; Rev 22:18-19; Gal 1:8).
Man’s Need
We believe that, in the beginning, all God’s creation, including mankind, was good. Mankind, male and female, were righteous, walking closely with God. Mankind fell from that position of fellowship with God into disgrace, deserving condemnation to Hell, through sin. Everyone has inherited this sinful nature and are spiritually dead in their sin. (Gen 1, 2 and 3; Rom 3:l0-12, 5:12-21, 8:6-8; Eph 2:1-5).
God’s Provision
And this is the gospel, that Jesus Christ, being fully God and fully man, was sent by the Father and came willingly to be the only mediator between God and man. He was the Son of God, born of a virgin, and He lived a perfect life of obedience to His Father, observing all His commands and fulfilling all His purposes. In doing so, He revealed to mankind the glory, mercy, grace, and truth of God, teaching mankind the new way of life (Heb 1:1-3; John 1:14; Acts 2:36; 1 Tim 2:5; Luke 1:26-28; 1 Peter 2:21-22; John 17:4; Col 1:15-19).
Jesus Christ gave up His life by death on the cross at the hands of sinful men according to God’s sovereign purpose. Christ, being without sin, did this in order to pay God’s just penalty for sin on behalf of those who have been redeemed by the Father through their faith in Christ as Savior. Christ then rose bodily from the dead, removing the power of the curse of death from His people forever. After ascending into heaven, Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of the Father. He intercedes with the Father on behalf of His people, enabling them to live in greater obedience to Himself and therefore increasingly to reflect His image (John 3:16, 10:11-18, 14:6; Acts 2:23, 36; Rom 3:23-26; 1 Peter 1:18-21; 1 Cor 15:54-58).
After the ascension of Christ into heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent to make the Savior known. The Holy Spirit works in God’s people by making them spiritually alive, enabling them to live abundantly and freely receive the gift of eternal life, which are available through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Acts 1:8-9; John 16:7-13; Eph 1:18-21, 2:4-8; Rom 3:21-26; Heb 7:24-25).
All who respond by faith to the gospel are adopted as children of God and are declared righteous before God. They are reconciled to God through the forgiveness of their sins by Christ’s atoning death on their behalf. Thus reconciled, believers have passed from judgment, wrath, and death to life (Rom 3:21-26, 5:9-11, 6:23; 2 Cor 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24).
Man’s Response to God’s Grace
Growth in conformity to the image and likeness of God by obedience is a vital and necessary part of the life of the believer. Thus believers will grow increasingly in the grace of God, turn from their sin, and follow Jesus Christ as Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18, 5:17; Eph 4:11-13; Rom 6:1-2, 11-14; 2 Peter 3:18).
As followers of Christ, we have been commissioned to spread the good news of salvation through Christ and to teach obedience to God’s commandments. We also have been re-created to do the good works that He has ordained for us. We demonstrate our faith in and commitment to Christ by acting justly, showing mercy, and helping the poor and oppressed. In so doing with our hearts filled with love, we fulfill Christ’s commandment that we love our fellow human beings, just as He loved us (Matt 28: 18-20; Eph 2:10; James 1:27, 2:14-26; Micah 6:8; Jerem 22:15-16; Isaiah 61:1-9; Psalm 146:6-9; Luke 4:17-21; John 13:34; 1 Cor 13:2-3).

Meet Manna

Here at Manna Ministries, we seek to answer God’s call to work with the impoverished nations of the world, bringing them the comfort of God’s Word and helping them in their everyday difficulties. We partner with local organizations and other service providers to:
  • Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and his plan for healing, hope and salvation;
  • Establish that all humans have dignity and worth because we are God’s children;
  • Disciple families and communities to love one another and follow God’s direction; and
  • Address the real world needs of health, education and income faced by the impoverished.
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Building Communities

Manna Ministries currently is collaborating with organizations on four continents to identify and develop programs to enrich the spiritual and physical aspects of the local community. These initiatives can take many forms, but generally are centered on the following:
  • Building churches and other places of worship.
  • Constructing educational facilities.
  • Developing and implementing educational curricula focused on Christian character building.
  • Improving access to essential health care needs, including nutrition, medicine and clean water.
  • Supporting entrepreneurial initiatives through market access for locally produced goods and business funding.
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Support Manna Ministries

God’s accomplishments through Manna Ministries Worldwide would not be possible without the faithful prayers of our friends, donors, volunteers and board members.
Prayers are powerful and effective! We are blessed by your prayers as are our partners and those to whom we minister. Yet our initiatives require both funding and time resources. Can you help us today? To make a donation using PayPal please click on the “Donate Now” button on the right. If you prefer to make a donation by check you can mail checks to:
Manna Ministries Worldwide
6757 Cascade Road SE, #171
Grand Rapids, MI USA 49546
We are also interested in any in-kind donation opportunities and abilities that you may offer.
There also is no shortage of opportunities to help by donating your time. If this is a desire of your heart, we can help you find a place to contribute your time, energy and skills. Everyone has personal gifts from God that can be used to help others!
God’s accomplishments through Manna Ministries Worldwide was also a result of faithful prayers. Prayers are powerful and effective! We are blessed by those who have continued to pray for us, our partners and for those to whom we minister
Manna Ministries Worldwide is a non-profit organization qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to us are deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

Sunday, June 21, 2015




May 2, 2015
Na: Patrick Sanga
Salaam katika jina lake BWANA Yesu
Katika Waefeso 1:17 Biblia inasema ‘Mungu wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, Baba wa utukufu, awape ninyi ROHO YA HEKIMA NA YA UFUNUO KATIKA KUMJUA YEYE’. Hili moja ya maombi muhimu ambayo Mtume Paulo alifanya kwa jili ya Kanisa la Efeso. Kila nisomapo mstari huu nimekuwa nikijuliza sana ni kwa nini Mtume Paulo aliomba maombi haya kwa kanisa hili?.
Katika kutafakari na kuendelea kujifunza niligundua kwamba kulikuwa na sababu kubwa tatu ambazo zilimpelekea Mtume Paulo kuwaombea jambo hili, na kutokana na umuhimu wake hata kwa kanisa la sasa ndiyo maana nimeona ni vema nikaliandika hapa ili na wewe msomaji uweze kujifunza.
Zifuatazo ni sababu kadhaa zilizompelekea Mtume Paulo aliombee kanisa la Efeso roho ya hekima na ufunuo na kwa sababu hiyo zinatusaidia kujua umuhimu wake kwa kanisa la sasa pia;
Ili waweze kumjua Mungu zaidi (Waefeso 1:17)
Waefeso 1:11 ‘Na ndani yake sisi nasi tulifanywa urithi, huku tukichaguliwa tangu awali sawasawa na kusudi lake yeye, ambaye hufanya mambo yote kwa shauri la mapenzi yake’.
Kazi ya roho ya ufunuo ni kumfunua Mungu kwa kiwango ambacho bado hujakiona wala kukizoea ili kuboresha uhusiano wako na Mungu na kukufanya umaanishe katika kumpenda. Ndiyo, lengo ni kumfunua Mungu kwako, kutoka kwenye kona tofauti tofauti ili umjue zaidi ili hali kazi ya roho ya hekima ni kukupa ufahamu (maarifa), werevu na busara katika kufanya maamuzi sahihi kuhusu uhusiano wako na Mungu na maisha yako kwa ujumla. Katika ufunuo kuna mambo ambayo Mungu atayaleta kwako na yanahitaji hekima katika kuyafasiri, kuyanena na kutenda.
Naam bado hatumjui Mungu kwa kiwango kitupasacho kumjua na ndio maana tunahitaji roho ya ufunuo. Roho ya ufunuo inamuongoza mtu kujenga mahusaino binafsi na Mungu wake tokana na ufunuo aliopata.  Roho hii inatuleta kwenye ufahamu muhimu kuhusu ulimwengu wa roho na kwamba ni lazima tuanze kuishi maisha katika ulimwengu wa roho kuliko vile tunavyoishi katika ulimwengu wa mwili ili kumjua Mungu zaidi.
Ili kujua mambo ambayo Mungu amewaandalia (1Wakorinto 2:9-10)
Katika fungu hilo Biblia inasema hivi ‘Lakini, kama ilivyoandikwa, MAMBO AMBAYO JICHO HALIKUYAONA WALA SIKIO HALIKUYASIKIA, (Wala hayakuingia katika moyo wa mwanadamu,) Mambo ambayo Mungu aliwaandalia wampendao. LAKINI MUNGU AMETUFUNULIA SISI KWA ROHO. Maana Roho huchunguza yote, hata MAFUMBO ya Mungu’. Pia katika Waefeso 1:18 imeandikwa ‘MACHO YA MIOYO YENU YATIWE NURU MJUE tumaini la mwito wake jinsi lilivyo; na utajiri wa utukufu wa urithi wake katika watakatifu jinsi ulivyo’
Mungu anataka watu wake wajue kwamba yeye anayo mawazo (Yeremia 29:11), mbalimbali ambayo amewaandalia watoto wake. Mawazo hayo yameunganishwa na kusudi la kuwepo kwao hapa duniani na hawana budi kuyajua, kuyapata na kuyatenda. Naam ili wafikie hapo sharti juu yao na ndani yao, wawe na roho ya hekima na ufunuo.
Kumbuka katika kila nyanja ya maisha iwe kazi, uchumi, biashara, familia, huduma, ndoa nk, yapo mambo ambayo ameyaandaa na anataka uyajue. Naam ni jukumu lako kuendelea kujenga na kuboresha mahusaino yako na Roho Mtakatifu yawe mazuri daima.
Ili kuujenga mwili wa Kristo ipasavyo
Katika 1Wakorinto 12:7 Biblia inasema ‘Lakini kila mmoja hupewa ufunuo wa Roho kwa kufaidiana’.  Ukiendelea Katika 1Wakorinto 12:20 imeandikwa ‘Na jicho haliwezi kuuambia mkono, sina haja na wewe; wala tena kichwa hakiwezi kuaimbia miguu; sina haja na ninyi’ na ule mstari wa 25 unasema ‘Ili kusiwe na faraka katika mwili, BALI VIUNGO VITUNZANE KILA KIUNGO NA MWENZIWE(1Wakorinto 12:25).
Hivyo roho ya ufunuo inatoa ufunuo ili kufaidiana, lengo ikiwa ni kuusaidia mwili wa Kristo kuimarika zaidi. Naam kumbuka ufunuo huu ni kwa sehemu kwa lengo la kulijenga kanisa, mwili wa Kristo. Katika 1Wakorinto 12:11 imeandikwa ‘Lakini kazi hizi zote huzitenda Roho huyo mmoja, yeye yule, akimgawia kila mtu peke yake kama apendavyo yeye’. Na tena Mtume Paulo anamalizia kwa kusema ‘Basi ninyi mmekuwa mwili wa Kristo, na viungo kila kimoja peke yake’ (1Wakorinto 12:27).
Naam hakuna mtu anayepewa karama zote, kila mmoja anapewa kwa SEHEMU kama KIUNGO ili kwa kushirikiana, MWILI wa Kristo ujengwe vema. Naam kila kiuingo lazima kihakikishe kina kuwa na ufanisi unaotakiwa, si kwa ajii yake, bali kuhakikisha mwili wa Kristo unajengwa ipasavyo, kupitia ufunuo/uwepo wa kile kiungo.
Kanisa lazima lifike mahali pa kuwa na uelewa kamili juu ya mwili wa Kristo unavyopaswa kutenda kazi kupitia ufunuo wa Roho Mtakatifu kwa kuwa ‘Mungu amevitia viungo kila kimoja katika mwili kama alivyotaka (1Wakorinto 12:18). Naam kila mshirika unayemuona NI KIUNGO CHA MWILI WA KRISTO KUPITA KARAMA, VIPAWA NA HUDUMA ALIZOPEWA kwa lengo la kuujenga mwili wa Kristo.  Roho ya hekima ikuongoze kutenda na kujua kwamba karama, huduma na vipawa ulivyonavyo ni kwa ajili ya kuujenga mwili wa kristo.
Naam hatupaswi kumdharau mtu yoyote kutokana na hali yake ya nje kwa jinsi ya kibinadamu maana yeye ni kiungo kinachostahili heshima zaidi (1 Wakorinto 12:22) Kazi ya Mchungaji na viongozi wa kanisa ni kufuatilia ili kujua Mungu ameweka/ametoa/amefunua kitu gani (karama/vipawa/huduma) juu ya wale wanaowaongoza ili kuviendeleza kwa lengo la kuujenga mwili wa Kristo.
Hivyo tokana na umuhimu wa roho ya hekima na ufunuo juu ya kanisa la Mungu na kwa mtu mmoja mmoja ni vizuri tukachukua au ukachukua hatua ya kuanza kumomba Mungu akujalie roho ya hekima na ufunuo wewe binafsi, familia yako, jamaa zako na kanisa kwa ujumla ili manufaa yake yawe dhahiri katika mwili wa Kristo ulimwenguni kote.
Roho ya hekima na ufunuo na iwe nanyi
Utukufu na heshima vina wewe Yesu, wastahili BWANA!


April 16, 2015
AuthorsNa: Patrick S. Sanga

Mtume Paulo katika waraka wake kwa Timotheo anamwambia hivi, ‘Mtu awaye yote ASIUDHARAU ujana wako, bali uwe KIELELEZO kwao waaminio, katika usemi na mwenendo, na katika upendo na imani na usafi.JITUNZE nafsi yako, na mafundisho yako. DUMU katika mambo hayo; maana kwa kufanya hivyo UTAJIOKOA NAFSI YAKO NA WALE WAKUSIKIAO PIA’ (1Timotheo 4:12 & 14).
Sentensi hizi zinatuonyesha kwamba kijana yeyote ambaye amefanya uamuzi wa kuokoka, kwa hakika amefanya maamuzi ambayo yanamtaka amaanishe katika kumfuata kwake Yesu au kuuishi wakovu wake. Pamoja na kumpa Yesu maisha yake ni lazima kijana afanye maamuzi ya kuishi maisha ya kudumu kumpendeza Mungu kwa kuzikubali gharama zinazohusiana na wokovu aliouchagua na si kuishi maisha yenye kupelekea jina la BWANA kutukanwa kama ilivyo kwa baadhi ya vijana wengi leo.
Ukisoma mstari huu wa 1Timotheo 4:14 kwenye toleo la kiingereza la ESV unasema ‘Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers’.Kwa mujibu wa dictionary ya kigiriki na kiebrania neno ‘save’ lina maana ya kuweka huru (deliver), kulinda (protect), kuponya (heal), kutunza (preserve), kuokoa (save). Jambo muhimu ambalo Mtume Paulo alikuwa akilisisitiza hapa ni hili; jambo muhimu si tu kumpokea Yesu kama Bwana na mwokozi wako, bali kila mwamini ana kazi kubwa ya kufanya iliKUULINDA NA KUUTUNZA WOKOVU WAKE.
Moja ya changamoto kubwa sana ambazo zinawakabili vijana wengi waliokoka leo ni kuipenda dunia. Kuipenda dunia kumekuwa tanzi kwa vijana wengi na kwa sababu ya kuipenda dunia; (a) Mahusiano ya vijana wengi na Mungu wao yameharibika (b) Maisha ya vijana wengi yamekosa uelekeo (c) Kutokana na uovu wao jina la Bwana Yesu limekuwa likitukanwa.
Katika kile kitabu cha 1Yohana 2:16 ni dhahiri kwamba dunia imejaaTAMAA YA MWILI, TAMAA YA MACHO NA KISHA KIBURI CHA UZIMA. Tamaa ina nguvu ya kuvuta pamoja na kudanganya, naam inamuingiza mtu kwenye jaribu. Hii ina maana tamaa ni mlango, naam mlango huu unapaswa kufungwa mapema usikupoteze. Hebu tujifunze kutokana na anguko la mfalme Daudi na mke wa Bathssheba (Samweli 11:1-2). Tunaona anguko la Daudi lilisaabishwa na kumpa Ibilisi nafasi kwa kutokwenda vitani. Mkristo akipoa katika kuvipiga vita vya kiroho inakuwa rahisi kwake kuanguka dhambini             (Yakobo 1:14-15), naamkumbuka kwamba siku zote tamaa inalenga kumfurahisha mtu binafsi (self-pleasing) bila kujali matokeo yake.
Hivyo katika nyakati tulizonazo sasa suala la kuipenda dunia ni lazima litafutiwe ufumbuzi wa kudumu miongoni mwa vijana wetu. Ujumbe huu mfupi unalenga kueleza kwa namna gani kuipenda dunia kumekuwa tanzi kwa vijana na nini vijana wafanye ili kuikabili na kuishinda changamoto husika.
Pia katika waraka 2Timotheo 2:15 Mtume Paulo anaendelea kumwambia kijana Timotheo Jitahidi kujionyesha kuwa umekubaliwa na Mungu,mtenda kazi asiye na sababu ya kutahayari, ukitumia kwa halali neno la kweli’.
Pengine kila mmoja wetu atafakari maisha yake kwa kuhusianisha na maelekezo ya Paulo kwa Timotheo. Naomba jiulize na kujijibu kwa uaminifu kwamba mosi, je, ujana wako wako unaheshimika au unadharauliwa? Pili, je, kwa waamini wenzako umekuwa kielelezo cha kweli kwa habari ya imani, upendo, usafi, usemi na mwenendo au la?
Binafsi  nimekuwa nikijiuliza ni kwa namna gani kijana atahakikisha kwamba(a) Ujana wake haudharauliwi (b) Anakuwa kielelezo kwa waamini wenzake (c) Anathibitisha kwamba kweli amekubaliwa na Mungu. Naam katika kusoma na kutafakari neno la Mungu nimejifunza kwamba zifuatazo ni njia ambazo zitatusaidia sisi vijana wa leo kuifikia kweli hii ya neno la Mungu.
  • Kijana adumu katika kuomba na kusoma (kutafakari + kulitenda) neno la Mungu
Katika Zaburi 119:9 & 11 Biblia inasema ‘Jinsi gani kijana aisafishe njia yake? Kwa kutii AKILIFUATA neno lako’. Pia kwenye ule mstari wa 11 inasema ‘moyoni mwangu nimeliweka neno lako, NISIJE NIKAKUTENDA DHAMBI’.
Naam katika Mathayo 26:41 imeandikwa ‘Kesheni, mwombe, MSIJEmkaingia majaribuni; roho I radhi, lakini mwili ni dhaifu’. Yohana 17:17 inasema ‘uwatakase kwa ile kweli ;neno lako ndiyo kweli. Mambo haya mawili yanapaswa kwenda kwa pamoja nakijana akidumu katika kuomba na kusoma neno la Mungu ushindi ni lazima.
  • Kijana asimpe Ibilisi nafasi.
Kijana anapaswa kujiuepusha na mazingira yenye kumfanya aiepende na kuifuatisha namna ya dunia hii. Katika kitabu cha 1Wakorinto 6:12 imeandikwa ‘Vitu vyote ni halali kwangu, lakini si vyote VIFAAVYO; vitu vyote ni halali kwangu, lakini mimi sitatiwa chini ya UWEZO wa kitu chochote’.  Ni vizuri ukahakikisha kwamba ufahamu wako hautawaliwi na mambo yasiyo ya msingi (non-essentials of life) – Je ufahamu wako umetawaliwa ni nini?
Hii ndiyo sababu iliyomfanya Paulo awaambie Waefeso ‘Wala msimpe Ibilisi nafasi’ (Waefeso 4:27) na pia awaambie Warumi “Bali mvaeni Bwana Yesu Kristo, wala msiuangalie mwili hata kuwasha tamaa zake’. Toleo la KJV linasema ‘But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, andMAKE NOT PROVISION for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof’.  Na toleo la ESV linasema ‘But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, AND MAKE NO PROVISION FOR THE FLESH, TO GRATIFY ITS DESIRES’ (Warumi 13:14).  Je hivi leo ni kwa namna gani vijana wanaungalia mwili na kumpa Ibilisi nafasi? – Mitandao ya kijamii, kuangalia na kusoma vitu vichafu, hasira, mawazo, mazingira.
Mfano wa Vijana
  • Kijana azikimbie tamaa za ujanani
Katika 2Timotheo 2:22 imeandikwa ‘LAKINI ZIKIMBIE TAMAA ZA UJANANI; ukafuate haki, na imani, na upendo, na amani, pamoja na wale wamwitao Bwana kwa moyo safi’. Kijana anawezaje kuzikimbia tama za ujanani? Hebu tuangalie mfano wa Yusufu. Ushindi wa Yusufu dhidi ya mke wa Uria (Mwanzo 39:2-9). Hii ni habari ya kijana Yusufu ambaye alikuwa msimamizi mkuu wa mali za Potifa.
Pamoja na ushawishi aliokutana nao Yusufu alijibu kwamba ‘Nifanyeje ubaya huu mkubwa nikamkose Mungu?’ Mwanzo 39:12 inasema ‘huyo mwanamke akamshika nguo zake, akisema, Lala nami. Yusufu akaiacha nguo yake mkononi mwake akakimbia akatoka nje. Ili kuzikimbia tamaa za ujanani kijana anapswa (a) ajiepushe na mazingira/marafiki wabaya (Mithali 1:10 & 1Wakorinto 15:33) (b) Ajitenge na uovu (Mithali 16:17, Zaburi 1:1).
Ni muhimu ukakumbuka kwamba hukupewa mwili kwa ajili ya zinaa maana miili yenu ni ni viungo vya Kristo na tena hekalu la Roho Mtakatifu (1 Wakorinto 6:15 & 19), tena yeye aliyeungwa na Bwana ni roho moja naye (1 Wakorinto 6:17) maana tena imeandikwa ‘Lakini mwili si kwa zinaa, bali ni kwa Bwana, naye Bwana ni kwa mwili’ (1Wakorinto 6:13b). Tena imeandikwa ‘Lakini uasherati USITAJWE kwenu kamwe, wala uchafu wowote wa kutamani, kama iwastahilivyo watakatifu’   (Waefeso 5:3).
  • Kijana ajifunze kuenenda kwa roho na si kwa mwili
Katika wagalatia 5:16 imeandikwa ‘Basi nasema ENENDENI KWA ROHO, wala HAMTATIMIZA kamwe TAMAA ZA MWILI. Kwa sababu mwili hutamani ukishindana na Roho, na Roho kushindana na mwili; kwa maana hizi zimepingana, hata hamwezi kufanya mnayoyataka’.
Je kuenenda kwa Roho ndio kukoje?
Lakini yeye atakapokuja, huyo Roho wa kweli, ATAWAONGOZA awatie kwenye kweli yote (Yohana 16:13) na pia imeandikwa ‘kwa kuwa woteWANAOONGOZWA na Roho wa Mungu, hao ndio wana wa Mungu’ (Warumi 8:14). Kuenenda kwa Roho ina maana ya kuishi kwa kufuata utaratibu/uongozi wa Roho Mtakatifu kwenye maisha yako (Warumi 8:2).
Naam kadri unavyokuwa mtiifu kufuata utaratibu wake ndivyo unavyokuwa mbali na sheria ya dhambi na mauti ambayo ni mwili.Kumbuka imeandikwa ‘kwa maana wale waufuatao mwili huyafikiri mambo ya mwili; bali wale waiufuatao roho huyafikiri mambo ya roho. Kwa kuwa nia mwili ni mauti bali nia ya roho ni uzima na amani (Warumi 8:5-6) na pia Wafilipi 4:8.
Naam imeandikwa ‘Kila mmoja wenu ajue KUUWEZA MWILI wake katika utakatifu na heshima; si katika hali ya tamaa mbaya, kama mataifa wasiomjua Mungu. Maana Mungu HAKUTUITIA UCHAFU, bali tuwe katika utakaso’ (1Thesalonike 4:4-5, 7). Ni jambo la ajabu sana kwamba kwamba tumepewa fursa ya kuiweza miili yetu. Ndio tunapaswa kuuweza mwili kwa maana ya kuudhibiti kwa kuuongoza na kuufanya ufuate nia ya roho.
Kijana mwenzangu kama umechagua kumpa Yesu maisha yako kwa njia ya wokovu,  nakusihi na kukushauri zingatia haya ili kuwa na maisha yenye kielelezo na ushuhuda mzuri maana imeandikwa  ‘Kwa maana wale waliokwisha kuyakimbia machafu ya dunia kwa kumjua Bwana na Mwokozi Yesu Kristo, kama wakinaswa tena na kushindwa, hali yao ya mwisho imekuwa mbaya kuliko ile ya kwanza. Maana ingekuwa heri kwao kama wasingaliijua njia ya haki, kuliko kuijua, kisha kuiacha ile amri takatifu waliyopewa’ (2Petro 2:20-21).
Neema ya Kristo iwe nanyi, na tuzidi kuombeana.
Utukufu na heshima vina wewe Yesu, wastahili BWANA.


April 8, 2015
Na: Patrick Sanga
Mada: Mambo mhumu kujua kuhusu sauti ya Mungu
Katika sehemu ya kwanza ya ujumbe huu niliandika kuhusu mambo matatu ambayo ni kujenga mahusiano na Roho Mtakatifu, kuongeza ufahamu wako kuhusu alama za mawasilano na tatu ujue namna ya kutofautisha sauti ya Mungu na isiyo ya Mungu. Ili kusoma sehemu ya kwanza bonyeza link hii Sasa fuatana nami tuendelee na mabo mengine muhimu kujua:
  • Vifahamu vikwazo vinavyopelekea kutokusikia sauti ya Mungu
Biblia imeainisha vikwazo kadhaa vyenye kupelekea mtu kutokuisika sauti ya Mungu. Vikwazo hivyo ni pamoja na moja kutenda dhambi au kuishi maisha ya dhambi (Isaya 59: 1-2), pili kukosa uaminifu (Hesabu 12:7-8, 1 Samweli 2:35). Biblia katika Isaya 59: 1-2 inasema ‘Lakini maovu yenu, yamewafarikisha ninyi na Mungu wenu, na dhambi zenu zimeuficha uso wake msiuone, hata hataki kusikia’ Pia katika Hesabu 12:7-8 imeandikwa ‘Sivyo ilivyo kwa mtumshi wangu, Musa; Yeye ni mwaminifu katika nyumba yangu yote; Kwake nitanena mdomo kwa mdomo, Maana, waziwazi wala si mafumbo.
  • Ongeza ufahamu wako kuhusu njia anazotumia Mungu kuzungumza
Ni dhahiri kwamba zipo njia mbalimbali ambazo Mungu hutumia kusema na wanadamu. Namna Mungu anavyosema na huyu sivyo atakavyosema namtu mwingine. Tofauti hizi zipo tegemeana na mahusainao yaliyopo kati ya Mtu na Mungu na pia ngazi ya kiroho aliyonayo mtu katika ulimwengu wa roho. Hivyo ni muhimu sana kuwa na uelewa wa hizi njia mbalimbali ili kuelewa mazingira yake na hivyo kutafuta kumsika Mungu kupitia njia hizo ili kudumisha mahusiano na mawasiliano yako na Mungu. Katika sehemu ya tatu ya somo hili nitaanza kufundisha njia husika hivyo naamini ufahamu wako utaongezeka.
  • Unahitaji kufahamu umuhimu wa Mungu kuzungumza/kusema nawe
Zipo sababu nyingi za Mungu kuzungumza na wanadamu laikini kubwa yenye kuzibeba zote ni ile iliyoandikwa katika Zaburi 32:8 kwamba‘Nitakufundisha na kukuonyesha njia utakayoiendea; Nitakushauri, jicho langu likikutazama’. Ni muhimu ukakumbuka kwamba kwa mujibu wa Wayumi 8:28 umeitwa ili kulitumika kusudi la Mungu katika siku zako. Ili uweze kulitumika ipasavyo sharti akuongoze katika njia sahihi. Naam njia mojawapo ya kukuongoza na kukufundisha ni kwa yeye kusema na wewe.
Lengo lake katika kusema na wewe ni kukuongoza katika njia sahihi kwa kukuondoa kwenye makusudi ambayo yapo nje na mapenzi yake kwenye maisha yako maana imeandikwa ‘Kwa kuwa Mungu hunena mara moja, Naam hata mara ya pili ajapokuwa mtu hajali, ili amwondoe mtu katika makusudio yake, Na kumfichia mtu kiburi’ (Ayubu 33:14, 17).
  • Ongeza ufahamu wako kuhusu ulimwengu wa roho
Mambo yote yanayotokea katika ulimwengu wa mwili yameanzia katika uilimwengu wa roho, naam maamuzi ya kile ambacho hutokea katika ulimwengu wa mwili hufanyika katika ulimwengu wa roho. Zaidi hata mapambano (vita vya kiroho) yote aliyoanayo mwamini katika kulitumikia kusudi la Mungu hufanyika katika ulimwengu wa roho.
Hivyo kuwa na ufahamu wa ulimwengu wa roho hususani namna ya kuishi na  kuwasiliana katika ulimwengu huo ni muhimu sana kwa mwamini mwenye kutafuta kujua na kuisikia sauti/mawazo ya Mungu katika maisha yake kwa kuwa Mungu ni roho kama alivyo na Shetani pia. (Rejea 2 Wafalme 6:8-17 na Waefeso 6:10-12).
Mpenzi msomaji usiruhusu yale unayoyapitia au yale ambayo watu /mazingira yanasema juu yako yabadilishe au kuongoza maisha yako, bali tafuta kuijua na kuielewa sauti ya Mungu kwenye maisha yako. Na ndiyo maana somo hili limekuja ili kukusaidia kufika mahala ambapo utaweza kuyatenda mapenzi kamili ya Mungu kwenye maisha yako.
Baada ya kuwa tumeangalia mambo haya saba ambayo ni muhimu kujua kuhusiana na sauti ya Mungu, katika sehemu ya tatu nitaanza kuandika kuhusu njia mbalimbali ambazo Mungu hutumia kusema na wanadamu. Somo litaendelea….
Utukufu na heshima vina wewe Yesu, wastahili BWANA.


April 2, 2015
Na: Patrick Sanga
Salaam katika jina la Yesu Kristo na heri ya Pasaka mpenzi msomaji.
Je ni kweli Mungu anazungumza na mwanadamu hata sasa? Hili ni moja ya swali ambalo watu wengi wamekuwa wakijiuliza na kukosa majibu muafaka kwani baadhi yao hawaamini kwamba ni kawaida ya Mungu kuzungumza na wanadamu. Kama ilivyokuwa katika agano la kale, agano jipya, naam hata sasa, Mungu ni yeye yule jana na leo na hata milele. Hivyo ni kusudio la ujumbe huu kuongeza ufahamu wako ili uweze kujua ni kwa namna gani Mungu huzungumza na mwanadamu na kisha nini ufanye ili kumuelewa Mungu anapozungumza. Naam fuatana name sasa katika mfululizo huu…
Kwa nini Mungu azungumze/aseme na mwanadamu? – mtu anahitaji kusikia sauti ya Mungu ili; (a) aishi sawasawa na kusudi au mapenzi ya Mungu awapo hapa duniani      (b) kujenga na kudumisha mahusiano/mawasiliano mazuri kati yake na Mungu (c) kuona kama Mungu aonavyo na hivyo kutafsiri mambo ya rohoni kwa maneno ya rohoni (Rejea Zaburi 32:8, 1Samweli 3:1 na Isaya 55:8).
Mambo mhumu kujua kuhusu sauti ya Mungu
Yafuatayo ni baadhi ya mambo muhimu ya kukusaidia kuijua, kuisikia na kuielewa sauti ya Mungu, nawe hunabudi kuyafahamu na kuyatenda;
  • Jenga na kudumisha mahusiano mazuri na Roho Mtakatifu – Ni vizuri ukafahamu kwamba Roho Mtakatifu yupo duniani sasa akiliongoza kanisa katika kuyatenda mapenzi ya Mungu. Hivyo uwepo wa mahusiano mazuri kati yako na Roho Mtakatifu ndio ufunguo wa mawasilaino mazuri kati yako na Mungu. Biblia katika 1Wakorinto 2:10 inasema ‘Lakini Mungu ametufunulia sisi kwa Roho. Maana Roho huchunguza yote, hata mafumbo ya Mungu… vivyo hivyo na mambo ya Mungu hakuna ayafahamuye ila Roho wa Mungu’. Andiko hili linatuonyesha nafasi ya Roho Mtakatifu katika kutusaidia kuisikia sauti ya Mungu. Hivyo jenga na kudumisha uhusiano wako na yeye, itakusaidia sana katika kiujua na kuisikia sauti ya Mungu.
Roho Mtakatifu
  • Ongeza ufahamu wa viashiria (signal) vya mawasiliano kati yako na Mungu                              Ufahamu wa viashiria (signal) za mawasiliano kati yako na Mungu ni wa lazima ili kusikia na kuielewa sauti ya Mungu. Zipo alama mbalimbali kwa kila mwamini ambazo Mungu hutumia katika kusema naye. Biblia katika 1Samweli 3:9 inasema   ‘… Enenda, kalale, itakauwa AKIKUITA, utasema, Nena, BWANA; kwa kuwa mtumishi wako anasikia…’ Jambo ninalotaka ulijue hapa ni kwamba Mungu ana njia nyingi za KUITA, naam anaweza kukuita kwa sauti itokayo kinywani pake au KWA NJIA KUKULETEA ALAMA/VIASHIRIA VYENYE KUKUFANYA UJUE MUNGU ANANIITA. Kama ilivyo kwa jinsi ya kibinadamu anayekuita si lazima aongee, anaweza kutumia alama za mikono au hata maandishi nk, kukuita. Katika kukuita kwa njia ya viashiria/alama Mungu anaweza kuleta nguvu/msisimuko/ubaridi/maumivu fulani kwenye sehemu ya mwili wako au huzuni moyoni mwako kama ishara/kiashiria cha uwepo wake juu yako na hivyo KUTAFUTA/KUTAKA USIKIVU WAKO ILI ASEME NAWE. Hivyo ni lazima uwe na ufahamu na utafute kujua kuhusu alama/namna ya kwako ambayo Mungu hutumia kutafuta usikivu wako.

  • Ni lazima ujue kutofautisha sauti ya Mungu na sauti nyingine                                                                           Hili ni muhimu sana kwako kulielewa ili usije ukaipuuza sauti ya Mungu kwa kudhani ni mawazo yako au ni ya Shetani au usije ukatekeleza jambo ukiamini kwamba Mungu amesema nawe kumbe Shetani ndiye alisema nawe. Katika             1 Samweli 3:7 imeandikwa ‘Basi Samweli alikuwa hamjui BWANA bado, na neno la BWANA lilikuwa bado halijafunuliwa kwake’. Andiko hili linatuonyesha makosa aliyofanya kijana Samweli katika kuielewa sauti ya Mungu akiichanganya na babu yake Kuhani Eli. Ni muhimu ukaelewa kwamba Mungu anaweza kusema na wewe hata kama uko katikati ya mkutano wa watu wenye kelele nyingi sana. Hii ni kwa sababu Mungu hatumii mdomo kusema nasi bali anatumia moyo wako kuzungumza. Moyo ndio kiungo muhimu cha mawasiliano kati ya mtu na Mungu.
Ukisoma katika Matendo ya Mitume 12:22 Biblia inasema ‘Watu wakapiga kelele, wakasema, Ni sauti ya Mungu, si sauti ya Mwanadamu’. Kauli hii ya watu ilikuja baada ya Mfalme Herode kuhutubia watu na kutoa maneno makuu. Watu waliamini kwamba ile ilikuwa sauti ya Mungu, kumbe sivyo na matokeo yake Herode alipigwa na Mungu akafa. Tahadhari, kuna wakati mtu/watu/watumishi wanaweza kunena mambo makubwa na watu wakadhani Mungu wa kweli anasema ndani yao, kumbe ni mungu wa dunia hii. Na ndio maana ni muhimu wewe binafsi uongeze ufahamu wako katika kuijua, kuisikia na kuielewa sauti ya Mungu, ili hata mwanadamu akinena unajua kwamba hili limetoka kwa Mungu wa kweli au vinginevyo.
Naam zipo sauti mbalimbali ambazo zote zinalenga kupambana/kuharibu kusudi la Mungu ndani ya mtu, zipo sauti za wanadamu (wazazi, walezi, mwenza wa ndoa, viongozi wa kiroho), ipo sauti ya Shetani kupitia majeshi ya pepo wabaya nk. Ni lazima mwanadamu amjue sana Mungu kiasi cha kuweza kutofautisha sauti hizi. Na namna pekee ya kutofautisha sauti hizi na ile ya Mungu ni kuwa na ufahamu mkubwa wa neno la Mungu kwani Mungu hawezi kukuagiza kutenda jambo lililo kinyume na neno lake.
Photo 3
Katika sehemu inayofuata nitakuonyesha mambo mengine kadhaa kujua na kuyaelewa kabla sijaanza sasa kuandika kuhusu njia ambazo Mungu hutumia kusema na wanadamu. Maombi yako ni muhimu sana.
Kwa mara nyingine heri ya Pasaka na amani ya Kristo iwe nawe. Tutaendelea na sehemu ya pili…
Utukufu na heshima vina wewe Yesu! Wastahili BWANA.


March 22, 2015
 Na: Patrick Sanga
Biblia katika kitabu cha Ezekieli 22:30 inasema ‘Nami NIKATAFUTA MTU miongoni mwao, ATAKAYELITENGENEZA BOMA, na KUSIMAMA mbele zangu mahali palipobomoka, kwa ajili ya nchi, nisije nikaiharibu, lakini sikuona mtu’. Ukisoma fungu zima katika kitabu cha Ezekieli 22:23-31, utaona kwamba uasi uliolifikisha taifa katika hali hii ulitokana na mambo manne;
Moja kulikuwa na fitina ya manabii ambapo walitwaa kwa nguvu mali za watu, walitoa nabii za uongo na kufunika dhambi. Pili ni dhambi ya makuhani ambapo walihalifu sheria ya Mungu, kunajisi hekalu la Mungu na kutofundisha watu kweli juu ya masuala mbalimbali ya kiroho.  Tatu nidhambi ya watawala ambapo walimwaga damu, kujipatia faida zisizo halali na kuharibu roho za watu. Na mwisho (nne) ni dhambi ya watu wa nchi ambapo walifanya udhalimu, unyang’anyi, jeuri na uonevu juu ya maskini na wageni.
Kwa nini ilimlazimu Mungu atafute MTU kwanza na si kupiga moja kwa moja licha ya uovu mkuu kiasi hiki?. Hili ndilo swali ambalo nilikuwa nikijiuliza mara kwa mara kila ninaposoma andiko hili. Katika kuendelea kujifunza na kutafakari ndipo BWANA akanionyesha jambao lifuatalo kama jibu la swali hili muhimu.
Katika kitabu cha Ufunuo wa Yohana 5:10 imeandikwa ‘ukawafanya kuwa ufalme na makuhani kwa Mungu wetu; nao wanamiliki juu ya nchi’. Naam andiko hili linatujulisha kwamba, Mungu kwa hiari yake ameweka utaratibu kwamba mtu mwenye mwili awe kuhani na mfame juu ya nchi, na kwa hiyo KIMSINGI maamuzi ya mwisho juu ya nini kifanyike juu ya nchi/familia/kanisa yapo kwa mtu akitokea kwenye nafasi ya Mfalme na kuhani kwa Mungu wake.
Tuone mfano wa Musa, kitabu cha Kutoka sura ya 32 kinaeleza uamuzi wa wana wa Israeli kutengeneza ndama kama mungu wao baada ya Musa kukawia kushuka kutoka mlimani, naam walifanya hivyo na jambo hilo likawa chukizo kubwa kwa Mungu. Ndipo Mungu akamwambia Musa katika Kutoka 32:10 akisema ‘Basi sasa niache, ili hasira zangu ziwake juu yao…’ Je umeaona maneno haya “Basi sasa niache”?. Maneno haya kwenye tafsiri za kingereza yameandikwa ‘Let me alone, don’t try to stop me, do not get in my way’.
Maneno haya yanatuonyesha kwamba, Musa kama Mfalme na Kuhani alikuwa ndiyo mwenye mamlaka na watu wa eneo lake na hivyo ilimbidi Mungu kuwasiliana naye kwanza kabla ya kutekeleza uamuzi wake. Hivyo basi ndiyo maana wakati wa nabii Ezekieli, Mungu alitafuta mtu, Ili mtu kutoka kwenye nafasi ya Mfalme na Kuhani asimame mahali palipobomoka kupatengeneza.
Naam, hata sasa, Mungu anatafuta mtu mwenye kusimama mahala palipobomoka ili kupatengeneza. Yapo maeneo mengi katika nchi, kanisa, familia, ndoa, koo nk ambayo yameharibika na hayana budi kutengenezwa. Je ni mtu wa namna gani Mungu anamtafuta?
  • MWENYE KUDUMU KULITUNZA NENO LAKE NA KUTOKULIKANA JINA LAKE Katika Ufunuo wa Yohana 3:8 imeandikwa ‘Nayajua matendo yako. Tazama, nimekupa mlango uliofunguliwa mbele yako, ambao hapana awezaye kuufunga, kwa kuwa unazo nguvu kidogo, nawe umelitunza neno langu, wala hukulikana jina langu’. Mungu anatafuta mtu ambaye ANADUMU KULITUNZA NENO LAKE NA KUTOKULIKANA JINA LAKE bila kujali anapita katika mazingira ya namna gani. Naam mtu mwenye kutenda haya yupo tayari kusimama na kutengeneza mahali palipobomoka (Wafilipi 4:11-13 na Matendo ya Mitume 4:9-19).

  • MTU MWAMINIFU TENA MWENYE AKILI – Matahyo 24:45 inasema ‘Ni nani basi yule mtumwa mwaminifu mwenye akili, ambaye bwana wake alimweka juu ya nyumba yake, awape watu chakula kwa wakati wake? Heri mtumwa yule, ambaye bwana wake ajapo atamkuta akifanya hivyo’. Hivyo Mungu anatafuta mtuMWAMINIFU katika kutekeleza wajibu/wito/kusudi alilompa hapa duniani (Waruni 8:28). Naam si tu kutekeleza wajibu husika bali zaidi autekeleze kwa nyakati (majira) za Mungu na si kama atakavyo yeye (mtu). Je, umepewa kufanya nini hapa duniani? Je umekuwa mwamnifu katika hilo ulilopewa? Mungu amekupa nafasi zipi katika mwili wa Kristo (kanisa)? Katika nafasi hizo, je umekuwa mwaminifu?

  • ALIYE TAYARI KUJIFUNZA NA KUBADILIKA – Katika Ezekieli 23:11 imeandikwa    ‘Na umbu lake, Oholiba, akayaona hayo walakini alizidi kuharibika kuliko yeye, kwa kupendelea kwake, na kwa uzinzi wake, uliokuwa mwingi kuliko uzinzi wa umbu lake’. Hivyo Mungu ANATAFUTA mtu ambaye YUKO TAYARI KUJIFUNZA NA KUBADILIKA kutokana na makosa ya wengine waliomtangulia au waliotangulia. Kutoka 32:9 inasema ‘… Mimi nimewaona watu hawa, na tazama ni watu wenye SHINGO NGUMU’. Tukumbuke kwamba katika Waebrania 10:26 imeandikwa ‘Maana, kama tukifanya dhambi kusudi baada ya kuupokea ujuzi wa ile kweli, haibaki tena dhabihu kwa ajili ya dhambi’. Mtu asiye tayari kubadilika hawezi kusimama mahali palipobomoka apatengeneze.

  • MWENYE KUMPENDA MUNGU – Katika Warumi 8:28 imeandikwa ‘Nasi twajua ya kuwa katika mambo yote Mungu hufanya kazi pamoja na wale wampendao katika kuwapatia mema, yaani, wale walioitwa kwa kusudi lake’. Hivyo Mungu anatafuta mtu ANAYEMPENDA kwa moyo wake wote, akili zake zote, roho yake yote na nguvu zake zote. Je unampenda Mungu kwa kiwango gani?. Na mtu mwenye kumpenda Mungu huzishika ammri zake na hujibiidisha katika kutaka kmujua zaidi Mungu (Ayubu 22:21). Ni vizuri ukafahamu kwamba mtu mwenye kumpenda na kumjua sana Mungu; ni mnyenyekevu, mtunzaji siri, mwenye kusamehe, hadharau wengine na wala hawezi kufurahia mapungufu au kufeli kwa wengine bali atafanya kila awezalo kuwasaidia.
Mkumbuke BWANA wetu Yesu Kristo jinsi alivyotupenda ingawa hatukustahili (Yohana 3:16). Kutokana na upendo wake alichukua uamuzi wa kusimama mahali palipobomoka na kupatengeneza ili kurejesha tena uhusiano ulioharibika kati ya mtu na Mungu kwa sababu ya dhambi.  
Mpenzi msomaj, Je Mungu anaweza kukuamini kiasi cha kukushirikisha agano lake na mawazo yake? Rejea (1 Wakorinto 2:9). Hata sasa Mungu anatafuta mtu mwenye kusimama mahala palipobomoka ili kupatengeneza. Je Mungu anapokutafuta na kukupima katika maeneo haya tuliyojifunza anaona nini ndani yako? Uharibifu au uponyaji? maamuzi ya mwishokuhusu nchi yako, kanisa lako, ndoa yako, watoto wako, ukoo wako, wazazi wako nk yapo kwako kutoka kwenye nafasi ya mfalme na kuhani kwa mungu. Hivyo Kumbuka siku zote kusimama mahali palipobomoka kama kuhani na mfalme upatengeneze, ili Mungu akitaka kupiga akute umesha simamama mahali husika unaendelea na matengenezo

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times?

Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times: Part 2

Normalcy2When darkness prevails over the face of the Earth grace will abound in you beyond anything you’ve ever known!
The biggest threats to corrupt governments and the most devastating thing to the antichrist, a demonic plan for your life, and the thing that makes you least vulnerable to sin is grace-filled empowerment. Remember, the original temptation started from the seduction: “You’re not really who God’s says you are.” From that feeling of lack (i.e. sin), man launched into codependent, destructive behavior. The enemy of your soul needs for you to be codependent. He needs for you to feel powerless. That’s the reason every time the grace message has come to Planet Earth it has been corrupted with the message of lawlessness. The definition of empowerment has been replaced with the message of compromise. The government, your manipulative friends, the devil, and everyone who seeks your demise needs for you to be needy, powerless and codependent! Always know that grace is God’s power that strengthens you. It makes you able to be and feel just like Jesus!
Secondly, you must experience grace in daily life. Romans 6:14 tells us, No sin of any kind shall exercise lordship or dominion over you because we are under grace…. The power of grace is what makes us able to live in our identity as a righteous child of God! It keeps us from succumbing to the power of sin (i.e. the power that works in us when we do not believe the truth)! Until, however, we experience that power it is merely a doctrine or philosophy.
Every day that you say “no” to sin of any kind, and “yes” to your righteous nature:
  • You will experience grace.
  • You will overcome.
  • You will come out on top.
  • You will resist the temptation.
  • You will experience your righteous nature.
The Apostle John warns that when we love only in word but not in deed our heart condemns us. Why? Our conscience gathers information from two sources: our spirit (internal) and our soul (external). These two voices comprise the conscience. The witness of the Spirit within us is always saying, “You are righteous because you are in Christ.” When our behavior is inconsistent with our righteous nature our mind says, “You are not righteous. How could you be righteous and do this?” When these two are in conflict we feel confused and our heart condemns us!
Every time you compromise and every time you allow yourself to lose a battle to sin you violate your conscience and you lose confidence in the power of God in you. The Bible calls this receiving grace in vain (1 Cor. 10:15, 2 Cor. 6:1). We all have the grace of God in us. Grace is the manifestation of God’s nature and power expressed through a human being! When we do not allow grace to produce the fruit of righteousness in our life we have received it in vain! When we resist the Holy Spirit who always leads us in paths of righteousness we have grieved the Spirit of grace! The end result is we lose confidence in our capacity to overcome.
On the other hand, every battle you win and every time you yield to and experience grace your heart grows more confident and peaceful. The voice of your conscience becomes one! You do not fear when facing opposition; you become like David facing Goliath. David had already killed a bear and a lion with his sling. He was confident in God’s ability to slay the giant because he had experienced it in other arenas of life!
Jesus will lead you in peace, safety, and victory no matter what happens in the world. When following Him is a way of life and when experiencing grace is the source of your power you will be confident in every situation. Living in grace as a way of life is preparation for whatever lies ahead. It is the only preparation you really need to face and win. When darkness prevails over the face of the Earth grace will abound in you beyond anything you’ve ever known! This is when you have discovered the secret of walking in the unforced rhythms of grace (Matt. 11:29, TMB). You will no longer need self-deception. You will not default to the self-deceptive normalcy bias! You will confidently keep your eyes and ears open knowing that your God is bigger than any obstacle and you are filled with His limitless power (grace). (click here to read Part 1 of “Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times’)
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How satan Stops Our Prayers.

How satan Stops Our Prayers.COMBAT IN THE HEAVENLY REALMMP3 (Human Voice)            PDF   DOC

I would like to share with you part of a testimony of a saved person who once served the devil.  When I heard him give his testimony it so challenged me I did not want to believe it.  I had to fast before the Lord for ten days, asking Him, "Lord, is this true?" It was at that time the Lord began to teach me the things that take place in the spiritual realm when we pray. 
This man was born after his parents had dedicated themselves to lucifer.  When he was still in the womb, they performed many rituals to dedicate him to the service of lucifer.  When he was four years old, he began to exercise his spiritual power, and his parents began to fear him.  When he was six years old, his father brought him to some witches for them to train him.  And by the time he was ten years old, he was doing tremendous exploits for the kingdom of the devil.  He was feared by the common witches. 
He was still a young boy, but he was so terrible in the things he did.  He grew to be a young man in his twenties with a lot of blood on his hands.  He killed at will.  He had the ability to leave his body through transcendental meditation.  And he could levitate; at times his body would rise off the ground and hang in midair.  Sometimes he would go into a trance and leave his body; his body would remain behind while he went out into the world, by a practice called “astro-travelling.”  He was used by satan to destroy or divide many churches, and to ruin many pastors. 
One day, he was assigned to destroy a church that was full of prayer.  There had been much division in this church, and much confusion.  He began to work against it, but at that time, the pastor called a fast for the whole church.  As the church began to fast, there was much repentance and a lot of reconciliation.  The people came together and began to pray for the Lord to work in their midst.  They continued interceding and crying out to God to have mercy on them and to intervene in their lives.  As the days went by, the man came again and again against the church with demon spirits.  But a word of prophecy came forth telling the Christians to rise up and wage warfare against the powers of darkness that were attacking the church. 
So one day, the man left his body in his room to go astro-travelling.  He led a powerful force of demonic spirits against the church.  Now this is his testimony:  His spirit moved through the air over the church and tried to attack it, but there was a covering of light over the church.  Suddenly, an army of angels attacked them and fought against them in the air. All the demons fled, but he was arrested by the angels.
Yes, arrested by the angels! He found himself being held by about six angels. They brought him through the roof right before the church altar.  He just appeared there as the people were praying.  They were deep in prayer, engaged in spiritual warfare, binding and breaking and casting out.  The pastor was on the platform leading the prayers and the warfare.  The Spirit of the Lord spoke to the pastor, "The yoke has been broken, and the victim is there before you.  Help him through deliverance." As the pastor opened his eyes, he saw the young man lying there.  His body was with him; he was in his body.  The young man said that he doesn't know how his body joined him; he had left it back in his house.  But there he was in his body. He didn't know how he had entered it; all he knew was that the angel had carried him through the roof. 
Now these things are difficult to believe. The pastor silenced the church and told them what the Lord had spoken to him, and then asked the young man, "Who are you?" The young man was trembling as the demons began coming out of him.  So they prayed for his deliverance, and afterwards he began to share his story.  The young man has now come to the Lord, and is an evangelist preaching the gospel.  He is being used by the Lord mightily in setting other people free through deliverance.
One night, I (John Mulinde) went to a dinner.  The only reason I went was that someone had told me about this young man and I was very curious to see him and to find out if his story was true.  So I attended the dinner, and in the evening he was given the chance to give his testimony.  He spoke about so many things.  At times he cried because of the things he had done.  As he finished, he made an appeal. 
There were many pastors in the room.  He said, "I appeal to you, pastors.  Please teach the people how to pray." The people who don't pray can be taken in anything, in anything by the devil, and there are ways that the enemy can exploit their lives and their prayers.  The enemy knows even how to exploit the prayers of those who don't know how to pray.  "Teach the people how to use the spiritual armor that God provides."
Then he shared how he led expeditions through the air.  He would go with other satanic agents and many demon spirits.  It was as if they were working a shift, in the same way that you've got to go and work your shift.  He had a regular, time that he was required to go and wage war in the heavenlies.  He said that in the heavenlies, in the spiritual realm, if the land is covered by a blanket of darkness, the blanket is so dense it is like solid rock.  And it covers the whole area.  The spirits are able to go on top of and below the blanket, and from there influence the events on earth. 
When the evil spirits and human satanic agents finish their shifts, they go down to earth at the points of covenant, on water or on land, to refresh their spirits.  How do they refresh their spirits? By the sacrifices that people give at these altars.  They could be sacrifices in open witchcraft, sacrifices in bloodshed of all types, including abortion, warfare, and human and animal sacrifices.  They could be sacrifices of sexual immorality, in which people practice sexual perversions and all kinds of promiscuity.  Such acts strengthen these powers.  There are many different types of sacrifices. 
He said that when satanic agents are up in the heavenly realm, and Christians begin to pray on earth, the Christians’ prayers appear to them in three forms.  All prayers appear like smoke that is rising toward heaven. 
Some prayers appear like smoke that drifts along and vanishes in the air.  These prayers come from people who have sin in their lives that they are not willing to deal with.  Their prayers are very weak; they are blown away and disappear in the air. 
Another type of prayer is also like smoke. It rises upward until it reaches the rock; it cannot break through the rock.  These prayers usually come from people who try to purify themselves, but who lack faith as they pray.  They usually ignore the other important aspects that are needed when someone prays.
The third type of prayer is like smoke that is filled with fire.  As it rises upward, it is so hot that when it reaches the rock, the rock begins to melt like wax.  It pierces the rock and goes through.
Many times, as people begin to pray, their prayers look like the first type. But as they continue praying, their prayers change and become like the second type of prayer.  And as they continue praying, suddenly their prayers ignite into flames.  Their prayers become so powerful that they pierce through the rock. 
Many times evil agents would notice that prayers were changing and coming very close to becoming fire. These agents would then communicate with other spirits on earth and tell them, "Distract that person from prayer.  Stop them from praying.  Pull them out."
 Many times Christians yield to these distractions.  They are pressing through, repenting and allowing the Word to check their spirit. Their faith is growing.  Their prayers are becoming more focused.  Then the devil notices that their prayers are gaining strength, and the distractions begin.  Telephones ring.  Sometimes, in the middle of very, very intense prayer, the telephone rings and you think you can go answer it and then come back and continue praying.  However, when you return, you go back to the beginning.  And that's what the devil wants. 
Other kinds of distractions come your way. They may touch your body, bringing pain somewhere.  They may make you hungry, causing you to want to go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.  As long as they can get you out of that place, they have defeated you.  He said to the pastors, "Teach the people to set aside some time, not just for some casual praying, they can do that the rest of the day.  Once a day, they should have a time when they are focusing wholeheartedly on God, without any distractions. 
If the people persist in this kind of prayer and allow themselves to be inspired in the spirit and to keep going, something happens in the spirit.  The fire touches that rock, and it melts.  The man said that when the melting begins, it is so hot that no demon spirit can stand it.  No human spirit can stand it.  They all flee.  They all run away. 
There comes an opening in the spiritual realm.  As soon as it appears, all this trouble in prayer stops.  The person who is praying on the ground feels like their prayer has suddenly become so smooth, so enjoyable, so powerful and intense.  I've discovered that at that moment, we normally lose all awareness of time and other things.  Not that we become disorderly; God takes care of our time.  But it is as if you lay down everything, and hook up with God.  The man said that when the prayers break through, from that moment on there is no resistance at all, and the person praying can continue as long as he wants.  There is no resistance to stop him. 
Then he said that after the person finishes praying, the hole remains open. He said that when people rise from their place of prayer, and move on, the open hole moves along with them.  They are no longer operating under the blanket.  They are operating under an open heaven.  He said that in that state, the devil cannot do what he wants against them.  The presence of the Lord is like a pillar from heaven resting on their lives.  They are protected, and there is so much power inside the pillar that as they move around, the presence touches other people as well.  It discerns what the enemy has done in other people.  And as they talk to people who are standing with them, they too come inside the pillar.  As long as they stay inside the pillar, all the bondages placed on them by the enemy weaken. 
So when people who have experienced this spiritual breakthrough share Jesus Christ with sinners, the sinners’ resistance is low.  It is very easy to bring them through to salvation.  When they pray for the sick or pray about other things, the presence that is with them makes all the difference.  The man said that the devil hates such people.  He said that in places where prayer regularly breaks through in this way, the presence comes upon that place and does not leave.  When people who don't know God enter such a place, all their bondages even suddenly weaken. 
If someone is willing to minister to them with patience and love, they could easily be pulled through to salvation, not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of God, Who is present.  But he said that if no one bothers to reach out to them, they merely come into His presence, feel convicted, and begin to debate whether or not to yield. If they are not pulled through to salvation, when they walk away from that place, their bondages become stronger.  And the devil tries his best to prevent them from entering such an environment again. 
As you can imagine, we all sat staring at the man as he told us the things he used to do and see.  Then he told us what they would do to those who broke through in prayer.  He said that they marked such people and studied them.  They would dig up everything they could find about them, so they knew their weaknesses. When someone overcame them in prayer and broke through, they would communicate with other spirits saying, "Target him with this and this and this.  They are his weaknesses." So when the person walks out of his prayer closet, the spirit of prayer is upon him, the presence is with him, his spirit is high, and the joy of the Lord is his strength.  However, as he goes the enemy tries to bring things that can distract him from focusing on the Lord. 
If his weakness is in the area of his temper, the enemy will cause people to do things to make him angry.  If he is not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and he allows himself to lose his temper, he takes his eyes off the Lord.  He gets angry; he feels furious. Then after a few minutes, he wants to put it behind him and move forward in the joy of the Lord; however, he doesn't feel joyful anymore.  He tries to feel good again, but can’t.  Why? While he was yielding to the temptation, they were working hard to close the opening above him.  Once they have restored the rock, the presence is cut off.  The person does not cease being a child of God.  But the extra anointing on his life, the presence that worked apart from his own effort, is cut off.  They seek to know his areas of weakness. 
If his weakness is temptation to commit sexual immorality, the enemy will prepare people or events, something to suddenly arouse his passion to move towards the temptation.  And if the man yields to the temptation and opens his mind to receive and entertain its thoughts, when he is through and wants to again move in the anointing, he discovers it is no longer there.  You might say, "That's not fair!" Just remember what the Bible says, "Put on the helmet of salvation.  Put on the breastplate of righteousness." We normally do not understand the part these weapons play in warfare.  But remember what Jesus told us to pray towards the end of the Lord's Prayer, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Every time after you have a breakthrough in prayer, remember you are still a weak human being.  Remember you have not yet been made perfect.  Say to the Lord, "Lord, I've enjoyed this time of prayer, but as I walk out into the world, lead me not into temptation.  Don't allow me to walk into the devil's trap.  I know the enemy is setting a trap out there.  I don't know what form it is going to take, and I know I am still weak in certain areas.  Given the right circumstances, I will yield to temptation.  Protect me, Lord.  When you see me turning the corner where the trap has been set, cause me to turn the other way.  Intervene, O Lord.  Don't let me move in only my own strength and ability.  Deliver me from the evil one."
God is able to do it.  He is able.  That is why things happen sometimes. All you need to say is, "Thank you, Jesus." That is why the Apostle Paul wrote in the book of First Thessalonians, "Thank God in everything, for that is the will of God in Christ for you.(1 Thes 5:18) Some things are not good.  They are painful, and we wonder why God allows them.  But if we only knew what He is saving us from, we would thank Him.  When we have learned to trust the Lord, we thank Him in everything. 
Beloved, I don't know if I should go deeper, because I do not want to start something I cannot finish.  But let me just try to go one step further.  The man said that when prayer breaks through like that, the answer will always come.  He said he did not know of a single case in which prayer broke through and the answer did not come.  He said that the answer always came, but that in most cases, it never reached the person who asked for it.  Why? The battle in the heavenlies.  He said that after they succeeded in cutting off the open heaven and restoring the rock, they would watch the person and wait because they knew the answer would definitely come. 
Then the man said something that really shook my faith.  It was because of what he shared next that I fasted for ten days asking, “Lord, is this true? Can You prove it to me?” The man said that every Christian has an angel who serves them.  Now we know the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits who minister to us.  He said that when people pray, the answer comes in the hands of their angel.  The angel brings the answer, just like we read in the book of Daniel.  Then he said something that was difficult to receive: If the one who prays knows of the spiritual armor and is clothed with it, the answer comes by an angel who is also clothed in full armor. 
However, if the one who prays doesn't care about being clothed in spiritual armor, their angel comes to them without spiritual armor.  When Christians are careless about the kinds of thoughts that enter their minds and do not fight the battle for their minds, their angels come to them without helmets.  Whatever spiritual weapon you ignore on earth, your angel does not have it when he serves you.  In other words, our spiritual armor is not protecting our physical bodies; it is protecting our spiritual exploits. 
The man said that as the angel was coming they would watch him to find the areas that were uncovered, and then attack those areas.  If he didn’t have a helmet, they would shoot at his head.  If he didn’t have a breastplate, they would shoot at his chest.  If he didn’t have shoes, they would make a fire, causing him to have to walk through fire.  Now, I am just repeating what the man said.  Actually, we asked him, "Can angels feel fire?" You know what his reply was? Remember this is the spiritual realm.  They are spirits dealing with spirits.  The battle is intense. When they overpower an angel of God, the first thing they go after is the answer he is carrying, and they get it from him. They then give it to people who are involved in cults or witchcraft, so people might say, "I got this because of witchcraft."
Remember what the Bible says in the book of James? All good things come from God.  So where does the devil get the things he gives to his people? Some people who cannot have children go to witch doctors and satanists and become pregnant! Who gave them the baby? Is satan a creator? No! He steals from those who don't pray through to the end.  Jesus said, "Pray without ceasing."(1 Thess 5:17) And then He said, "But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?(Luke 18:8) Will He find you still waiting? Or will you have given up, and the enemy stolen what you prayed for?
Then the man said that they were not satisfied with just stealing the answer.  They were also interested in detaining the angel.  They would start fighting against him.  And he said that sometimes they would succeed in holding and binding the angel.  He said that when that happens, the Christian on earth becomes a victim as well.  They can do anything to that Christian because he is left totally without ministry in the spiritual realm. 
I asked him, "Do you mean that an angel can be held captive by demonic forces?" The man did not know the Scriptures at the time he was saying all this.  He did not know very many verses.  He was just sharing his experience.  He said that they could not hold the angel very long because as other Christians prayed elsewhere, reinforcements would come and the angels would go free.  However, if the Christian responsible did not pray through, he remained a captive.  Then the enemy would send his own angel to them as an angel of light. That is how deception comes—false visions and false prophecies, false leading or guidance in the spirit, and the making of all kinds wrong decisions.  And many times this person is open to all kinds of attacks and bondages. 
And I asked the Lord.  I left that dinner extremely troubled.  I said, "Lord, I don't want to even try to believe this." It takes away all of my confidence, my security.  During the ten days that I sought the Lord, the Lord did two things:  He not only confirmed the things I had heard, He also opened my mind to understand a lot more of what happens in the spiritual realm that the man could not tell us.  And two, He led me to see what we are supposed to do as the things are happening so that we are not defeated, but can overcome.  We need to know and really come to terms with three things. 
First: How to use the weapons of our warfare.  The Bible calls them the armor of God.  It is not our armor; it is God's armor.  When we use it, we allow God to fight on our behalf.  Second: Understand the relationship between ministering spirits—angels—and our spiritual lives, and be sensitive to what is happening in our hearts as a leading regarding what needs to be done in the spiritual realm on our behalf.  That brings us to the third thing: The Holy Spirit. 
We should not regard the Holy Spirit as our servant, who is serving us and bringing us things.  He does not run back and forth between us and the Father to tell Him what we need.  That is the angels’ job.  He stands by our side.  Doing what? Guiding us, teaching us, leading us, helping us to pray in the right way.  And when these things are happening in the spiritual realm, He lets us know. Sometimes He wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, "Pray." But you say, "No! My time has not yet come." And He says, "Pray now!" Why? He sees what is happening in the spiritual realm.  Sometimes He says, "Fast tomorrow!" But you say, "Oh, no; I'll start on Monday!"
But He understands what is happening in the spiritual realm.  We should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  He guides us in paths of righteousness.  Beloved we've got to stop here.  Maybe tomorrow morning we will talk about how we can pray through—knowing the battles in the spiritual realm and how we can break through.  And how we can maintain our breakthrough once we have achieved it.  Once we learn this, it becomes enjoyable.  Then we will learn one thing: The battle is not ours; the battle is the Lord’s! Hallelujah!
Let's stand up.  Look someone in the eye, and think about how many times that person may have missed what God had for him.  Join your hands if you can, with two or three people, and tell each other that there's no need for any more defeat! We can overcome! There is enough power to overcome! Jesus has already finished the work." Pray for each other that the Lord will help us to overcome.  We should not lose.  There is enough grace, enough power, for victory. 

Thank you, Jesus.