
Hapo mwanzo kulikuwako Neno, naye Neno alikuwako kwa Mungu, naye Neno alikuwa Mungu. 2 Huyo mwanzo

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times?

Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times: Part 2

Normalcy2When darkness prevails over the face of the Earth grace will abound in you beyond anything you’ve ever known!
The biggest threats to corrupt governments and the most devastating thing to the antichrist, a demonic plan for your life, and the thing that makes you least vulnerable to sin is grace-filled empowerment. Remember, the original temptation started from the seduction: “You’re not really who God’s says you are.” From that feeling of lack (i.e. sin), man launched into codependent, destructive behavior. The enemy of your soul needs for you to be codependent. He needs for you to feel powerless. That’s the reason every time the grace message has come to Planet Earth it has been corrupted with the message of lawlessness. The definition of empowerment has been replaced with the message of compromise. The government, your manipulative friends, the devil, and everyone who seeks your demise needs for you to be needy, powerless and codependent! Always know that grace is God’s power that strengthens you. It makes you able to be and feel just like Jesus!
Secondly, you must experience grace in daily life. Romans 6:14 tells us, No sin of any kind shall exercise lordship or dominion over you because we are under grace…. The power of grace is what makes us able to live in our identity as a righteous child of God! It keeps us from succumbing to the power of sin (i.e. the power that works in us when we do not believe the truth)! Until, however, we experience that power it is merely a doctrine or philosophy.
Every day that you say “no” to sin of any kind, and “yes” to your righteous nature:
  • You will experience grace.
  • You will overcome.
  • You will come out on top.
  • You will resist the temptation.
  • You will experience your righteous nature.
The Apostle John warns that when we love only in word but not in deed our heart condemns us. Why? Our conscience gathers information from two sources: our spirit (internal) and our soul (external). These two voices comprise the conscience. The witness of the Spirit within us is always saying, “You are righteous because you are in Christ.” When our behavior is inconsistent with our righteous nature our mind says, “You are not righteous. How could you be righteous and do this?” When these two are in conflict we feel confused and our heart condemns us!
Every time you compromise and every time you allow yourself to lose a battle to sin you violate your conscience and you lose confidence in the power of God in you. The Bible calls this receiving grace in vain (1 Cor. 10:15, 2 Cor. 6:1). We all have the grace of God in us. Grace is the manifestation of God’s nature and power expressed through a human being! When we do not allow grace to produce the fruit of righteousness in our life we have received it in vain! When we resist the Holy Spirit who always leads us in paths of righteousness we have grieved the Spirit of grace! The end result is we lose confidence in our capacity to overcome.
On the other hand, every battle you win and every time you yield to and experience grace your heart grows more confident and peaceful. The voice of your conscience becomes one! You do not fear when facing opposition; you become like David facing Goliath. David had already killed a bear and a lion with his sling. He was confident in God’s ability to slay the giant because he had experienced it in other arenas of life!
Jesus will lead you in peace, safety, and victory no matter what happens in the world. When following Him is a way of life and when experiencing grace is the source of your power you will be confident in every situation. Living in grace as a way of life is preparation for whatever lies ahead. It is the only preparation you really need to face and win. When darkness prevails over the face of the Earth grace will abound in you beyond anything you’ve ever known! This is when you have discovered the secret of walking in the unforced rhythms of grace (Matt. 11:29, TMB). You will no longer need self-deception. You will not default to the self-deceptive normalcy bias! You will confidently keep your eyes and ears open knowing that your God is bigger than any obstacle and you are filled with His limitless power (grace). (click here to read Part 1 of “Why We Don’t Prepare for the End Times’)
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